Page 177 - 低年級 Fun World 3 備課用書
P. 177
Unit 2
Story Time
1 34 Ӕ֛λࠅ࠾ࣣٙܝdAndy ࣅഹࣣՑᓞ̨dΣڡൊྡࣣࡰ೮া࠾ࣣd߉್ගຠٙɓᑊd
ܢᙍɦڽڽ̰̰ٙ Daisy ʔʃːᅜՑəࣅഹɓᛌُࣣٙनΝኪəf
Daisy: I’m sorry.
Fox: That’s OK.
ᅜՑُनΝኪٙ Daisy ஹώΣ˼༸ခeҧ˼१ৎԸdAndy ɰཀԸᏍώҪُनΝኪࣣٙዂৎ
ԸfُनΝኪΣ Daisy ձ Andy ༸ᑽf
Fox: Thank you.
1 35 Andy decides which book he wants to borrow. He takes the book to the counter and checks it
out from Librarian Frog. Crash! There is a loud bang. Daisy has bumped into Fox accidentally.
The books fall from Fox’s hand.
Andy ፯λࠅ࠾ࣣٙf˼ࣅഹࣣԐՑᓞᓣΣڡൊྡࣣࡰ೮া࠾ࣣfᄙਢlෂԸəɓ৬̶ᚤf
Daisy ʔʃːᅜՑُनfُन˓ɪࣣٙદəɓήf
Daisy: I’m sorry. ࿁ʔৎf
Fox: That’s OK. Ӛᗫڷf
Daisy apologizes to Fox immediately and helps him to get up. Andy sees it and comes to help.
He picks up the books from the ground. Fox thanks Daisy and Andy for their help.
Daisy ͭՍΣُन༸ခԨҧ˼१ৎԸfAndy Ցܝɰཀ̘Ꮝώf˼ዂৎદίήɪࣣٙfُन
ชᑽ Daisy ձ Andy ٙᏍώf
Fox: Thank you. ᑽᑽЫf
Luckily, no one was hurt. In addition to the library, where do we also need to be quiet or keep
our voice down? Let’s think about it!