Page 182 - 低年級 Fun World 3 備課用書
P. 182

Unit 3


     Learn wit  Me

       2   15     Pat  ෸෸ࣅഹჇછኜe͂කཥൖdཥൖɪ͍ίᅧ̈ဂਨືͦdਨဂٙဂ˓݊ЗϋჀɾ܀
                  (girl)fPat ɓᗙᛓഹࠪᆀɓᗙ͂ધ܄ᝂd˼࡝ʑʊ຾Ҫههٙసɿ (hat) ׳ΫВసݖɪdɰҪ

                  ࣲِ༷ՈΏ܊ (igloo) ׳ΫِՈᇌ༁dତί˼ٙ˓ɪ͍ࣅഹɓ͉͎ᕒဂ˓ᄳࣣٙd͂ၑ׳Ϋ
                  ࣣᓞ༁fϾɨəफٙهه౤ഹ࡝൯ٙΏ૷૸e˦ၺձᇴൄΫՑ࢕d˼ɓ͂ක࢕ژۍ೯ତ Pat

       2   16     Pat’s mom turns on the TV. There is a young girl singing on a show. Pat listens to the music

                  and cleans the living room. He hangs his dad’s hat on the hook, and puts his toy igloo into the
                  toy chest. Now, he’s holding a book which was written by Singer Hen, and plans to put it back
                  on the bookshelf. Pat’s dad has just got home from work and brought some pieces of ham,

                  a carton of ice cream, and some vegetables. He finds that Pat misplaced three things in the
                  house. Can you find eggs, an insect, and a goat puppet? Think about where they should go.

                  Pat ٙ෸෸͂කཥൖfཥൖືͦɪϞɓࡈϋჀɾ܀ίਨဂfPat ᗙᛓࠪᆀᗙ͂ધ܄ᝂf˼Ҫ
                  ࣣd͍͂ၑਗ਼ࣣ׳ΫࣣݖɪfPat ٙهه࡝ɨफΫ࢕d౤ഹ࡝൯ٙ˦ၺeɓଷΏ૷૸ձᇴൄf

                  ˼೯ତ Pat Ҫגɿ༁ٙɧᅵيۜ׳፹ЗໄəfЫҬ੻Ցᕒஐe׺ᔥձʆϺِਅ෗kซซ޶̴

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