Page 185 - 低年級 Fun World 3 備課用書
P. 185

Unit 4


            Story Time

              2   24      މəםܙ Andy ɓ࢕ɛdPat ٙههe෸෸๟௪əᔮସ໋ٙሖɽ᎛dϞӍזeዢಷeᙢ̍e
                          ࣛΈlPat ซ༊༊ Andy ੭Ըٙ؈ᔽdሗ Andy ჈ഗ˼ܝdϞᓿႶήΣ˼༸ᑽf
                          Pat: Thank you.
                          Andy: You’re welcome.

                          ෝnnAndy ෸෸ፋ˓ਂٙ؈ᔽλλΦlԮ͜ҁ໋ሖɽ᎛dPat ࣅِ̈Ոᄝ࢛ዚdࠅ৔ഗ

                          Pat: This is for you.

                          ϗՑᓿيٙ AndydකːήΣ˼༸ᑽf
                          Andy: Thank you.

                          ޶Ը Pat Ӛҙা໋ሖືৰə݊ၾ؃ʾ޴ၳٙ˚ɿdɰ݊ʱԮeෂ჈๝าٙࣛՍճl

              2   25      Pat’s dad and mom prepare a big dinner for Christmas. There is some salad, soup, bread,
                          spaghetti, and a big roasted turkey on the table. The family gather together and enjoy the
                          feast. They all have a wonderful time. Pat wants to try some jam, and asks Andy to pass the
                          jam to him. Pat smiles and thanks Andy.
                          Pat ٙههձ෸෸๟௪əᔮସ໋ٙሖɽ᎛fࣲɪϞӍזeಷeᙢ̍e່ɽлᙢձ൴ɽٙ
                          ट˦ᕒf࢕ɛࡁྠၳίɓৎԮ͜ɽ᎛f˼ࡁܓཀəౕҞٙࣛΈfPat ซࠅᎻᎻ؈ᔽd׵݊ሗ
                          Andy Ꮝώ჈ഗ˼fPat ฆ३ഹΣ Andy ༸ᑽf

                          Pat: Thank you. ᑽᑽЫf
                          Andy: You’re welcome. ʔ܄ंf
                          Mmm... Andy’s mom’s jam is yummy. After dinner, Pat gives Andy a toy jet for Christmas.
                          ෝnnAndy ෸෸ਂٙ؈ᔽॆλΦfૉ᎛ܝdPat ৔ഗ Andy ɓِ̨Ոᄝ࢛ዚ຅໋ሖᓿيf

                          Pat: This is for you. வ݊ഗЫٙf

                          Andy is so happy and thanks Pat for his Christmas present.
                          Andy කːήᑽᑽ Pat ৔˼໋ሖᓿيf

                          Andy: Thank you. ᑽᑽЫf
                          Pat is so sweet. He remembers Christmas is about love and sharing.
                          Pat ॆ൨ːf˼া੻໋ሖື݊ᗫ׵ฌձʱԮٙ˚ɿf

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