Page 184 - 低年級 Fun World 3 備課用書
P. 184

Unit 4

                              4           Jj  Kk  Ll  Mm

       2   22     ໋ሖື݊ၾ؃ʾe࢕ɛྠၳٙ˚ɿfʦϋ໋ሖືd Pat ᒗሗλ؃ʾ Andy ɓ࢕ɛՑ࢕༁Ԯ͜
                  ໋ሖɽ᎛f˓ࣅഹِՈᄝ࢛ዚٙ Pat ޶ৎԸකːɦጳኧdࠗʔʿܙήձ෸෸ίژɹഃܙ

                  Andy ɓ࢕ɛٙՑԸfЫءจՑə෗k Pat ࢕ژɹᓖəᓣዱeᝌਚձ๸ɿ໔ሸྦdژࣙᗙٙ
                  ௮ݖ݊ೕɿձο͎ M ிۨٙdλतйఅf˜̝ղl™d܄ɛࡁՑᚿlAndy කːήΣ Pat

       2   23     Christmas is about love and sharing. This Christmas, Pat invites Andy’s family to their house for

                  Christmas dinner. Pat is holding his toy jet and waiting for the guests at the door with his mom.
                  There is a lamp, a key, and a lion mat at the door. Do you notice that the monkey umbrella
                  stand looks like an upper case M? It’s so cool. "Ding dong!" The doorbell rings and the guests
                  all arrive. Andy waves hello to Pat. He has brought a jar of homemade jam as a gift.

                  ໋ሖື݊ᗫ׵ฌၾʱԮٙ˚ɿfʦϋ໋ሖືdPat ᒗሗə Andy ɓ࢕ɛՑ࢕ʕԮ໋͜ሖɽ᎛f

                  Pat ࣅഹِՈᄝ࢛ዚίژɹձ෸෸ɓৎഃܙ܄ɛࡁՑԸfژɹϞᓣዱeᝌਚձ๸ɿ໔ሸྦf
                  ЫϞӚϞءจՑೕɿڠ௮ݖ޶ৎԸܘ྅ߵ˖ɽᄳο͎ M ճkॆ݊˄ბəf˜̝ղl™ژཕ
                  ᚤৎd܄ɛࡁேՑəfAndy ౨˓Σ Pat ͂םխf˼ᒔ੭ə˓ʈ؈ᔽ຅Ъᓿيf

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