Page 180 - 低年級 Fun World 3 備課用書
P. 180

Unit 3

                                        3           Gg Hh Ii

       2   1      Pat ௰ఃᛇІ್߅ኪəfʦ˂d˼੭əɓࡈༀഹ׺ᔥٙޚᆨ͛࿒ᇌΫ࢕dආəגගۍ೯ତІ

                  ٤ॷᇌdᒔϞጐ˝eΏ܊ࣲ༷eʆϺِਅձ๠๠ଢഃഃɓɽ਼ِՈfPat ܘ๨౒d˼ʔٝ༸
                  ɽᄳٙߵ˖ο͎ I ճk

       2   2      Pat loves science. He has brought home a glass box. It has an insect inside. Pat’s room is

                  a mess. There are lots of clothes on the bookshelf; books, pencils, and other stationery are
                  everywhere. You can also see an empty potato chips can, an empty cardboard box, blocks,
                  a toy igloo, a goat puppet, a yo-yo and other toys on the floor. Pat doesn’t know what to do.
                  There’s no place for Pat to put his insect box. Do you notice that the shape of the blocks look

                  like an upper case I? That’s fun.

                  Pat ᆠฌІ್߅ኪf˼੭əɓࡈޚᆨ͛࿒ᇌΫ࢕f༁ࠦϞɓ৳׺ᔥfPat ٙגගɓྠ඾f
                  ጐ˝eِՈΏ܊eʆϺِਅe๠๠ଢձՉ˼ِՈίήɪfPat ʔٝ༸νО݊λf͉࣬ӚЗໄ
                  ᜫ Pat ׳˼ٙ׺ᔥᇌfЫϞӚϞءจՑጐ˝ٙҖًܘ྅ߵ˖ɽᄳο͎ I ճkॆϞሳf

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