Page 174 - 低年級 Fun World 3 備課用書
P. 174
Unit 1
Learn wit Me
1 24 ဤ൯ҁൄԐίΫٙ༩ɪdՑ͍ίཀ৵༩ٙՇ৳ፂᖻ (ant)dፂᖻࡁॆ݊ςॉdཀ
ဂdRuby ίɓࣙᅁ፻ೞМ۱d̮ɰϞɓ໊ፂᖻΥਨྠίɽᑊήਨഹဂճdʃ፟ۛӚဂᑊ
ј፴dԱᔚွ࠰f܃̮dɿࣧڗ͍ίഹዓɪٙʃ (bird)dʃλ྅Ԃɿቯəd
ᄠᄠఉఉ̣ࡈʔ৾dЧ˷ίխఎഹfDomingo ϼࢪࣅഹ؎ɿ (cup)dᛓՑʃَӓӓή̣
ഹfDaisy ٙҔҔᕣഹ໔ሸԓeAndy ٙههකഹԓdۖd˼ࡁމʡჿҪԓቦᗙ৾əճk
1 25 Mama Bear did the shopping and on her way home, she sees two ants cross the street at
the crosswalk. The ants are really well behaved. At school, the kids are in music class. Miss
Bird leads everyone in song, and Ruby plays the piano. The ants’ chorus is singing together
by the window. The cat is sleeping despite the sound of the singing. Principal Lion is watching
a bird. The bird is chirping. He seems hungry. Mr. Domingo holds a cup, and a dog nearby is
barking. Daisy’s brother is riding a bike. Andy’s dad is driving a car. Why did they pull the bike
and car over to the side of the road? That’s because there’s a fire not far from here. The brave
firefighters are driving the fire truck to rescue people and put out the fire. If you hear the siren,
you need to pull your car over and give way to the fire truck. There are so many different
sounds in our lives. Close your eyes and listen carefully. What can you hear?
܀ɿࡁ͍ίɪࠪᆀሙfϼࢪ੭ഹɽɓৎਨဂdϾ Ruby ίɓࣙᅁ፻ೞfፂᖻΥਨྠɰί
ʔ৾dЧ˷݊ԂɿቯəfDomingo ϼࢪ˓ࣅഹ؎ɿdࣙᗙϞ৳ʃَ͍ίӓӓ̣fDaisy ٙҔ
Ҕ͍ᕣഹ໔ሸԓfAndy ٙهه͍කഹԓfމʡჿ˼ࡁࠅҪ໔ሸԓձӛԓቦ༩ᗙ৾ճkࡡԸ