Page 3 - May June final v3
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We look forward to event
b y O w e n D o u g h e r t y
production coming back into full swing
G M / C O O
this May. To ensure all rescheduled
events go off without a hitch, Marissa
and her team will be reaching out to
It goes without saying, we miss previously scheduled events and
you, all of you, and are looking helping to get canceled events re-
forward to seeing the club full of life booked, as dates allow.
again once this dissipates. Through As we settle into a new normal
this type of societal turbulence, a new and find our footing after COVID-19,
light often shines through; and we’re we understand that coming back to
no different here at CC Country Club. the club may be slow for some.
Our team has risen above the Please know that we are here for you
stress and anxiety of the unknown and want to assist in accommodating
and focused our efforts at continuing your timeline. We will continue to offer
forward. The first weeks of closure to-go and pick up orders from our full
found us deep cleaning carpets, menu and look forward to helping you
painting walls and window ledges. As and your families ease back into the
we’ve continued on, each department social comforts that this club affords.
has stepped into the gaps of the Thank you for standing by us
‘unknown’ and really helped bridge through this. Thank you for sharing in
efforts to keep the club semi- this struggle with us. And thank you
operational. We understand that we’re for choosing to stay hopeful alongside
not here only as a club, but instead, us in an otherwise hopeless
as a community and as a nation that circumstance.
stands together to push through to a
reopened economy with a
redeveloped sense of togetherness.
As we inch towards becoming fully
operational at the club, I’d like to offer
updated information on what that
looks like for us specifically. Equipped
with current information, we are
hopeful in launching a re-open date
sometime in May. The pool opening is
earmarked for Memorial Day
Weekend, with festivities beginning
Friday at 4 pm. Food and Beverage
outlets look to be full service ready on
May 5th and the gym will be available
the same day. Pool Party reservations
are welcomed and Marissa Johnson,
our Banquet Sales Manager, will be
standing by to assist in securing your
date and details.