Page 8 - May June final v3
P. 8


           B Y :   C A T H E R I N E   P O L I N A R D
           M A R K E T I N G   &   M E M B E R S H I P   D I R E C T O R

                This has been an extraordinary and difficult time. We are all
           disquieted about what COVID-19 means for our health, our
           livelihoods, our societal systems and our communities.  As
           we face off with what history will catalog as the most
           calamitous event of our lifetime, we stand united.  We identify
           with the struggles, the fears and the heaviness that has been
           the COVID experience.  As I’m composing this letter,  I find
           hope in knowing that I’m not alone in where I sit;  both
           physically and emotionally.  We’re pressing forward, as will the
           club, so that we can lead our teams, our members and our
           families through to a stronger rendition of what once was.
                                                                               April was rough, emotionally and financially for the
                It warrants a reminder: Membership (you) are the
                                                                          club but we press on.  We’re moving forward with reopening
           heartbeat of this club and have been for just shy of 100 years.
                                                                          plans, pool party planning, golf tournament details, etc.  And
           (we celebrate our club’s 100th birthday in 2022!)  Without our
                                                                          hope you join us, in multitude, as we approach a full capacity
           members, we don’t laugh, we don’t play, we don’t socialize (an
                                                                          reopening date.  Details provided by state and local officials
           inherent value most of us are now missing) and we don’t press
                                                                          determine when we get to see each other again or when we get
           forward.  We need you, then and now.  We need your support,
                                                                          to celebrate (aka: drink a glass of wine together).  Stay tuned
           your grace and your commitment to ‘us’ (the proverbial ‘us’).
                                                                          for more details to come mid May.
                We’re not just a nice building or a golf course.  We have
                                                                                And last but not least, we appreciate our families
           those, yes, but they aren’t what define us.  The community of
                                                                          that remain with us, who’ve stood by us each step of the way
           families we keep—the heartbeat-- that’s the legacy of Corpus
                                                                          offering support and guidance as we worked on staying
           Christi Country Club and that is why we press on.
                                                                          operational.  April 9th was a hard day for many of us as we
                It should come as no surprise that March and April had
                                                                          received order from Gov. Abbott to shut down the course.
           us saying goodbye to a larger than normal number of members
                                                                          Some of us cried, some of us were angry and some of us moved
           (insert an unusually anxious Catherine… cue the wine!)   We
                                                                          into action; writing letters to state and local officials,
           understand the reasons guiding this attrition and keep faith
                                                                          scheduling conference calls with people WAY above our
           that members will return to us as this storm passes.  And so,
                                                                          rankings and texting/emailing mayors and judges asking for
           where the light shines is where I’m choosing to rest in all of
                                                                          clarification and reasoning on a shut down for us. And it was
           this.  We’ve been blessed to have welcomed a few new faces
                                                                          through that hard-press that we received grace
           into the club over the last few months and ironically, beat
                                                                          from Judge Canales and we were able to reopen a day later.  All
           budgeted expectations at month end for March.
                                                                          of it…we appreciate all of it.   We understand the importance of
                                                                          who and what we are here and can’t thank you
                                                                          enough for all of the help along the way.

                                                                               I miss you.  I’m excited to see you.  And if I can help you with
                                                                          anything along the way, please let me know.
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