Page 5 - May June final v3
P. 5
By: Doug DeSive
This has certainly been a trying time for us! I truly
appreciate everyone’s patience with all that has been SHOOTOUTS ARE BACK!
involved in running the golf operation over the last few
weeks. As I am writing this, our Governor has given us hope Each Friday, starting on May 22nd and running
that we will be up and running soon. through August 28th, we will hold shootouts at 5:30. This is
When the pandemic started, I shifted all events out of May an old fashion shootout out…depending on sign ups, one or
as a precautionary measure. As social restrictions start to lift more persons will be eliminated on each hole based on
and we ease back into social norms, we're easing into May score or playoff of some kind. Last man or
with a few fun events: (women) 9th green wins! We need at least 10 to play. Sign
up in the pro shop or via text. Entry is just $20, plus cart
Each Tuesday, starting May 19th and running My team and I are looking forward to seeing all of you at
through August 25th, we will hold twilight golf at 5:30. This the Club soon and thank you again for the out-pour of
will usually be a 9 hole mixed scramble. Sign up as a single or support through the crisis.
as a couple and let’s have some fun. Entry is $20 per player,
plus cart fees.