Page 38 - HaMizrachi02-04( #12)2019RoshHaShanaYomKippurUSA
P. 38

Rabbi Stewart Weiss

           YOM KIPPUR

               The Ultimate Near-Death Experience

               ne of  the most powerful      Then there is the beautiful custom   to light a yahrzeit candle – for our-
               portions of the Yom Kippur    of asking mechila (forgiveness) from   selves! – on Yom Kippur, as well as
        Otefillah is the  Avoda, the         everyone we know, akin to a person   for our loved ones.
        intricate ceremony performed by      who fears his life is slipping away
        the Kohen Gadol in order to effect   and wants to make amends, to clear   But there is more. Each of our fore-
        kapara (forgiveness) for the entire   his conscience before he dies, so he   fathers had his own near-death
        nation.                              doesn’t leave this world with any   experience.  Avraham  was  thrown
                                             bad karma.                          into a fiery furnace by the evil
        A dramatic adjunct to the Avoda is                                       Nimrod; Yitzchak, at the akeida, felt
        the  Eleh Ezkerah or ‘martyrology;’   Men immerse in a  mikvah on  erev   the  knife  pressed  upon  his  throat;
        it is read just twice each year, on   Yom  Kippur.  Part  of  this  is  con-  Ya’akov wrestled with the angel sent
        Tisha B’Av and on Yom Kippur. The    nected to  the  concept  of  purity,  as   to kill him. All these perilous events
        account of the murder of 10 of the   we express our desire to be spiritu-  played a crucial part in shaping the
        greatest Sages in Jewish history at   ally clean. But the act of dunking in   lives of our patriarchs and implant-
        the hands of the Romans is a grip-   the  mikvah is deeper; it is  literally   ing in our Jewish DNA the traits of
        ping account of the terror that has   a  tahara for us – a ritual washing   courage, mesirat nefesh and faith.
        all too often struck our nation. But   of the body, like that which takes
        what is it doing in the middle of the   place  before  our  funeral!  Similarly,   Yom Kippur is a near-death expe-
        Avoda, a ceremony so uplifting and   visiting the graves of  tzadikim    rience for each and every one of us,
        charged with G-dliness and opti-     before Yom Kippur is meant to be a   granting us the moment of decision
        mism? Why cast us into despair,      sobering  experience,  prompting us   when  we  glimpse  what  is  real  and
        particularly after the exuberant,    to think: If a tzadik could die, then   what  is  important,  what  is  illusory
        joyous song of “Mareh Kohen?!”       certainly we can too!               and what is trivial.
        Would Yizkor not have been a more
        appropriate place for it?            And the white kittel worn through-  This is the idea behind  Eleh
                                             out Yom Kippur? It approximates     Ezkerah. As we relive the demise
        The classic answer is that the death   the  tachrichim (burial shrouds) we   of the Sages, we ask ourselves: if
        of the righteous is in itself a form of   will someday wear on our final jour-  indeed I am to imminently die,
        atonement, as potent as the Kohen    ney to the Olam HaEmet (World of    what will my legacy be? How will I
        Gadol’s  prayers.  But  I  want  to  sug-  Truth) and serves to remind us that   be remembered by my family, my
        gest that the Eleh Ezkara is just one   life is finite and fleeting.     community, my G-d? Will my name
        more component of a pervasive Yom                                        long be spoken of with pride, or will
        Kippur theme: the near-death expe-   I suggest this is also the rationale   it soon be forgotten? Will I simply
        rience. Consider all the things we do   behind the suspension of our phys-  fade away, or will I ultimately enter
        for Yom Kippur that focus on our     ical and sensual component during   the holy place, bathed in white light,
        mortality:                           Yom Kippur. All those things which
                                             make us ‘alive’ – food, drink, sexual   like the Kohen Gadol in the Avoda?
        Before Yom Kippur, we perform        relations – are temporarily put on
        kaparot, originally done with a      hold.  For  this  one  day,  we  are  in   The choice, as always, is ours.
        chicken. Whatever else you may say   a ‘twilight’ zone between life and
        about  it, the clear  message being   death; still alive, technically, yet
        sent is that one minute you are      purposely placing ourselves in a
        holding a live, squawking, jumping   semi, death-like state so that we can
        bird, and the next second it lies life-  truly discover the meaning of life.
        less. And you ponder how short life                                      Rabbi Stewart  Weiss  is Director of the
        can be, and how quick the end can    And we might add the stunning       Jewish Outreach Center of Ra’anana
        come; for a chicken – and for you.   minhag cited in the Shulchan Aruch

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