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                                                                            Rabbi Chanan Morrison


               OF THE UNIVERSE

              efore reciting the Yom Kippur   we are aware of the damage caused   it is limited by our capabilities,
              vidui (confessional prayer), we   by our wrongdoings, the greater our   be combined with G-d’s infinite
        Boffer a special prayer:            feelings of regret. For this reason   knowledge. For if we were able to
                                            the request for forgiveness in the   fully recognize matters in their true
         .י ָ ח ל ָּ כ י ֵ ר ְ ת ִ ס תֹומּול ֲ ע ַ ת ְ ו ם ָ ל ֹוע יֵז ָ ר  ַ ע ֵ ד ֹוי ה ָּ ת ַ א  daily  Amidah prayer only appears   measure, we would feel them with
         ןי ֵ א .ב ֵ ל ָ ו תֹוי ָ ל ְּ כ ן ֵ חֹובּו ן ֶ ט ָ ב י ֵ ר ְ ד ַ ח ל ָּ כ ׂש ֵ פֹוח ה ָּ ת ַ א  after the request for knowledge.   all of their intensity in our efforts to
         ן ֵ כ ְ בּו .ךיֶני ֵ ע ד ֶ גֶּנ ִ מ ר ָּ ת ְ סִנ ןי ֵ א ְ ו , ָ ךּ ֶּ מ ִ מ ם ָ ל ְ עֶנ ר ָ ב ָ ּ ד  better ourselves.
         ,ּוני ֵ תֹוב ֲ א י ֵ קלֹא ֵ ו  ּוני ֵ קלֹ ֱ א 'ה  ךיֶנ ָ פ ְּ ל ִ מ ןֹוצ ָ ר י ִ הְי  In order to completely free ourselves
         ל ַ ע ּונ ָ ל ל ָ ח ְ מ ִ ת ְ ו ,ּוני ֵ תאֹ ּ ט ַ ח ל ָּ כ ל ַ ע ּונ ָ ל ח ַ ל ְ ס ִּ ת ֶ ׁש  from a particular negative behavior   This then is the meaning of the Yom
              .ּוני ֵ ע ָ ׁש ְּ פ ל ָּ כ ל ַ ע ּונ ָ ל ר ֶּ פ ַ כ ְ תּו ,ּוני ֵ תֹונֹו ֲ ע ל ָּ כ  or trait, it is not enough to desist   Kippur prayer:
                                            from its outward manifestations.
        “You know the mysteries of the      We need to remove all desire for     “You know the mysteries of the
        universe and the hidden secrets     this conduct; we need to dislodge its   universe” – only You know the full
        of every living soul. You search    roots from the inner recesses of the   impact  of our mistakes and how
        the innermost chambers of the       soul. But how well do we know what   much remorse we should really feel
        conscience  and  the  heart.  Nothing   resides in the depths of our heart?   –  “and the hidden secrets of every
        escapes You; nothing is hidden from   We may think that we have purified   living soul” – for we fail to properly
        Your sight. Therefore, may it be    ourselves from a particular vice, and   regret our actions.
        Your Will to forgive all our sins.”
                                            yet the disease is still entrenched   “You search the innermost chambers
        Why do we introduce the Yom         within, and we will be unable to     of the conscience and the heart” –
        Kippur  vidui by acknowledging      withstand a future re-awakening of   You see that traces of our failings
        G-d’s infinite knowledge? What      this desire.                         still  lurk  deep  within  us.  Only  You
        does G-d’s knowledge of the hidden   We commit ourselves not to repeat   know to what degree we need to
        mysteries of the universe have to do   our error, no matter what the     cleanse ourselves of character flaws
        with our efforts to repent and atone                                     that we have not fully succeeded in
        for our deeds?                      situation,  even  under  the  most
                                            trying circumstances. Again, a full   conquering.
        There are three components to the   acceptance  for  the  future  implies   “Nothing escapes You; nothing is
        teshuva  process,  corresponding  to   knowledge of  all  future  events  and   hidden from Your sight” – You
        the past, the present, and the future.   their impact upon us – a knowledge
        Teshuva should include regret for   that is clearly denied to us.        know all future events, including
        improper conduct in the past, a                                          situations that will tempt us and
        decision to cease this conduct in the   So how can we aspire toward      perhaps cause us to stumble again.
        present, and a resolve not to repeat   true  teshuva, when the essential   Nonetheless, since we can only
        it in the future.                   components of the  teshuva process   perform  the  various  components
                                            require knowledge that is beyond
        And yet, complete performance       our limited abilities?               of teshuva according to our limited
        of all three aspects of teshuva                                          capabilities, we beseech G-d,  “May
        requires profound knowledge. In     G-d promises us that the mitzvah     it be Your Will to forgive all of our
        fact,  teshuva sheleima, complete   of teshuva is within our grasp – “it   sins.” Then we can attain the level of
        repentance,  requires  a  level  of   is not too difficult or distant from   “complete repentance before You” – a
        knowledge far beyond our limited    you.... Rather, this matter is very   teshuva that is complete when our
        capabilities.                       close to you, in your mouth and in   sincere efforts are complemented by
                                            your heart, so that you can fulfill   G-d’s infinite knowledge.
        Only if we are fully aware of the   it” (Deuteronomy 30:11-14). G-d
        seriousness of our actions will we   graciously  accepts  the  little  we   (Taken from “Silver from the Land of
        truly feel remorse over our past    are able to accomplish as if it were   Israel”, Urim 2010)
        failings. The Kabbalists taught     much. We ask that the degree of      Rabbi Chanan Morrison is the author of
        that our actions can influence the   regret, change, and resolve that    several books on Rav Kook’s writings
        highest spiritual realms. The more   we are capable of, even though

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        Background illustration of Rav Kook courtesy of
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