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                                                                              Mrs. Mindy Eisenman

           An Eye for Good

                 any Jews have the custom    are not in charge. Rabbi Arush’s five   career development, marriage, and
                 to improve specific areas   foundations for Emunah are:         relationships. When we are positive,
        Mof their lives at this time                                             we are more thoughtful, creative,
        of the year. The Chafetz Chaim       1.  Believe that G-d is in our midst,   and open to new ideas.
        was known to advise his students        watching over us and managing
        to select and master a single           our lives.                       To improve our optimism and
        characteristic  before  moving  on  to   2.  Believe that we have the power   creativity, it is incumbent on  us  to
        another. In Pirkei Avot (2: 13-14),     and privilege to speak to G-d    habitually  work on  being  happy.
        Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai asks          whenever we wish.                We can do this, according to Achor,
        his students which character trait                                       through the following methods:
        a person should strive to develop    3.  Believe that G-d listens to us   1.  Meditate and/or pray.
        most. Rabbi Eliezer responds, “Ayin     and our prayers.
        Tova – a good eye.” What’s a good                                        2.  Find something to look forward
        eye? Maintaining a positive outlook   4.  Believe  that  G-d  loves  us  and   to. Put something on our
        on life. It means appreciating what     desires to help us, especially      calendars; an enjoyable activity,
        G-d has given us and not being          those who turn to Him and           something to anticipate.
        jealous of others. The Chesed           speak to Him.
        L’Avraham  comments  that  this  is                                      3.  Perform acts of kindness.
        the  glue  that  bonds  body  and  soul   5.  Believe that G-d’s power, mercy   4.  Infuse positivity into our lives.
        and enables us to best serve G-d.       and compassion are limitless        Hang pictures of loved ones at
        The Ramban states that one should       and that only He possesses the      work, or take a walk on a nice
        rejoice in another person’s success     resources and the ability to help   day.
        even if they have not personally        us, even when we don’t deserve
        reached    similar   achievement.       it.                              5.  Compile a list of three good
                                                                                    things that happen to us every
        Navigating through the world of      We must work on our  Emunah            day. This simple act forces our
        dating, engagements  and  weddings   to get closer to G-d, but just by      brains to scan the last 24 hours
        on one hand and breakups,            recognizing that G-d is in charge      for potential positives which
        broken hearts and painful times      makes it easier for us to be happy     will  make us more skilled
        on  the other, I  see many people    and have a positive outlook on life,   at noticing and focusing on
        grapple  with  Rabbi  Yochanan’s     whatever challenges we are facing.     possibilities for personal and
        characterization of Ayin Tova. How   The concept of a positive outlook is   professional growth.
        is  it possible  to achieve a  positive   the main theme of Shawn Achor’s
        outlook after so many disheartening   book, The Happiness Advantage. He   6.  Exercise.  Physical  activity
        dates? Why are so many of my         discusses the conventional wisdom      boosts  our  moods  and  reduces
        friends married and I have not yet   that success breeds happiness.         stress. It is not easy to work on
        found the right one?                                                        positivity, especially when life
                                             However, over a decade of research     throws us some unexpected
        Rabbi Shalom Arush, in his book,     in the field of positive psychology    curveballs.
        The Garden of Emunah, reminds us     has proven that happiness and
        of the soothing power of the belief   optimism actually fuel performance   May we all recognize that we
        that we are not in control of our    and achievement. Happiness is a     have the capability and power to
        own fate. According to the Zohar,    subjective wellbeing based on how   get closer to G-d by proactively
        G-d created us for the sole purpose   we feel about our lives, defined   working on our positivity in action
        of developing a relationship with    by a positive mood and outlook,     and thought. May we experience
        Him and His limitless love for us.   just as Rabbi Eliezer suggests.     firsthand how much G-d truly loves
        He helps us cope with all situations   Established  data  now  shows  that   and cherishes us.
        because it is for our ultimate good.   happiness leads  to  success  in  every   Mrs. Mindy Eisenman, MSW, is the Staff
        G-d often sends us trials and        aspect of our lives, including health,   Connector at YUConnects and an adjunct
        wake-up calls as reminders that we   friendship, community involvement,   professor at Stern College for Women

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