Page 47 - HaMizrachi02-04( #12)2019RoshHaShanaYomKippurUSA
P. 47


                                                                                   Rabbi Elisha Aviner

                            Wait for

                 any teenagers tend to       which means both moderation and     great fear of G-d. Spontaneity per
                 allow their emotions to     200]. Rav Ada then said, “Matun!    se has little value. In someone
        Mburst  outwards, without            Matun! 400  zuz!” A strange story   spiritually  empty,   spontaneity
        restraint  or  filtering.  For  example,   perhaps but Rav Kook (in Ein Aya)   is a recipe for corruption and
        young people dance at weddings in    explains that the main point is to   spiritual  destruction.  Spontaneity
        a way that expresses their feelings,   emphasize the balance between     is the natural behavior of children.
        without caring what those around     self-sacrifice,  enthusiasm  and    Children, not yet having learned
        them are thinking. When they get     spontaneity on the one hand, and    self-control, respond spontaneously.
        together with friends, they express   moderation and caution on the      When they respond successfully,
        their joy without restraint, and     other.                              their spontaneity adds special
        the  same  holds  with  prayer  and                                      charm.   However,   when    their
        religious fervor. They do not keep   The later generations stood out     responses are inappropriate, their
        their emotions inside. In a word,    in  their  wisdom  and  moderation,   spontaneity  can  work  against
        they tend towards spontaneity.       their  self-restraint  and  their   them. An adult learns to conquer
                                             cautious judgment, traits essential   emotions and  feelings, to regulate
        Every character trait has associated   for acquiring Torah. Indeed, they   and direct them. Not every emotion
        similar  traits.  Spontaneity  is    became great Torah scholars. By     has to immediately burst outwards.
        a    bedfellow  of    enthusiasm,    contrast,  the  earlier  generations   Over-spontaneity in adults generally
        naturalness and authenticity, all    did not reach such a high level of   attests to a lack of maturity or
        praiseworthy characteristics. Yet it   Torah knowledge, but they had holy   self-awareness.  Moreover,  even
        has other, less admirable bedfellows,   fervor, self-sacrifice for holiness.   spontaneity in holiness has limits.
        such as poor judgment and lack of    As a result, their prayers raced    For example, fanaticism is a kind of
        moderation.                          skyward and were answered. True,    spontaneity in holiness, and indeed
                                             enthusiasm and spontaneity are      the Torah does not encourage it
        The Talmud (Brachot 24a) relates     liable to cause mishaps, as occurred
        that  in  the  early  generations  the   in the story of Rav Ada. He was not   except in rare cases.
        Jews’  prayers   were   answered     moderate but spontaneous, and it    The   Torah   does   not   reject
        almost   immediately  and   they     cost him 400  zuz and presumably    naturalness. Its goal is not to
        merited numerous miracles, even      some  public  embarrassment  too.   suppress it or to turn us into
        though  they  did  not  know  the    In pointing out the compensation,   programmed robots. Naturalness
        entire Mishnah. By contrast, later   our Sages wished to teach us that   is an important trait. It is an innate
        generations, that knew the entire    the loss was trivial compared to    force that propels us forward in life.
        Mishnah, would pray and fast         the  gain  of  making  a  religious   The Torah admires spontaneity, but
        without meriting any response from   statement. All in all, the damage   it demands that we take control of
        G-d.                                 amounted to some  zuzim. Better     it, regulate and direct it. We cannot
                                             we should have spontaneity in       allow our emotions to control our
        Our Sages explain that the earlier   holiness despite the mishaps,  than   intellect.
        generations’ advantage was their     a way of life characterized by too
        self-sacrifice for G-d’s holiness. For   much  moderation  and  little  spirit,
        example, Rav Ada saw a woman in      enthusiasm and self-sacrifice for the   1
        the  marketplace  who  was  dressed   holy.                              2  The currency at the time.
                                                                                  Of course, our religious enthusiasm
        immodestly. She was not Jewish,                                          should not come at the expense of – or
        but  the  Rabbi  thought  she  was.   So is spontaneity a blessed trait?   through embarrassing – others, Jews or
        He confronted her and tore her       Not necessarily. Our Sages did      non-Jews.
        clothing. After it became clear that   not praise all spontaneity but
        she was not Jewish, he was required   only that rooted in holiness and   Rabbi Elisha Aviner teaches in  yeshivot
        to compensate her with 400  zuz.     self-sacrifice for holiness, such   hesder and founded an organization to
        Rav Ada asked her what her name      as that of Rav Ada, who was an      help  parents  with  adolescent  education
        was and she said “Matun” [a word     enormous Torah scholar with

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