Page 44 - HaMizrachi02-04( #12)2019RoshHaShanaYomKippurUSA
P. 44

Matnat Chaim has caused a
                                                                                     sea change in the way Israelis
                                                                                    see organ transplants, with truly
                                                                                   revolutionary  results.  Along  with
                                                                                 saving lives, kidney donations create
        without a transplant. Sometimes I feel like crying when I              new families, break down stereotypes
        think of the plight of the friends I left behind in the dialysis   between groups, and contribute to solidarity
        clinic. My dream is that we will find sufficient numbers of   within Israeli society. By eliminating costly dialysis
        donors and that there will be no more                   treatments, Matnat Chaim has saved hundreds of millions
        dialysis patients in Israel waiting for a                                of dollars for the Israeli public health
        transplant – and I’m certain that we can   Top Ten Facts about           system.
        achieve it!                           Kidney Donation in Israel          Matnat  Chaim  operates  on  a  very
        “We are dealing with human life. There                                   modest budget with a small staff of
        are  so  many  people  who  could  donate   1.  Over 700 volunteer kidney donors   dedicated workers and volunteers.
        but are simply unaware of the possibility   have met their match through Matnat   With your help, Matnat Chaim can
        or  lack  awareness  concerning the vital   Chaim                        turn Israel into the first western
        importance  of the procedure.  I’m sure   2.  95% of Matnat Chaim donors are   country without a waiting list for
        that within a few years, with G-d’s help,   religious, Torah observant Jews  kidney donation – a true light unto the
        there will be far fewer people on the   3.  In 2018, 58% of living kidney donors in   nations!
        waiting list and that we’ll win this battle.   Israel were referred by Matnat Chaim  This Yom Kippur as we are praying
        The rate of altruistic donation in Israel   4.  More than 800 people are still on the   for our lives in the coming year, take
        is the highest in the world. But the most   transplant list, suffering on dialysis  a moment to remember the many
        meaningful outcome is in the home of   5.  The average wait for a kidney from a   potential recipients, some of whom
        each recipient with the return to the     deceased donor is 7 years      are married with families, parents with
        family of a healthy father, mother or                                    small children to care for, others with
        child.”                               6.  1 in 7 patients on dialysis dies each   a long history of suffering who are
        Rabbi Heber notes that nearly all of   7.  Over 95% of living donor transplants   all  waiting  for  their  turn  to  receive  a
        today’s leading  halachic  authorities    are successful                 kidney donation.
        whole-heartedly   support    kidney   8.  A kidney from a live donor will on
        donation by a living donor. The           average last 20 years
        prohibition of organ donation by some   9.  Transplants facilitated by Matnat
        rabbis concerns the harvesting of organs   Chaim have saved over 2 billion   To learn more about Matnat Chaim
        from deceased donors, an issue that       shekels for the Israeli public health   and help eliminate the waiting list:
        Matnat Chaim does not deal with at all.   system                         Visit the website:
        Jewish law regarding living donation is   10.  Matnat Chaim's kidney transplants   Email:
        fully in line with current medical opinion   are performed in 5 different Israeli   Call: 1-888-970-4608 (USA),
        that living kidney donation is permitted;   hospitals                    08000-488276 (UK),
        indeed it is a tremendous mitzvah.                                       054-3213911 (Israel)

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