Page 53 - HaMizrachi02-04( #12)2019RoshHaShanaYomKippurUSA
P. 53

into the bunker wall. “What are you   himself  to  the enemy,  and  take  his   It  was  normally used to  illuminate
        doing?” Amos asked.                  best shot.                          a target area, create thick smoke, or
                                                                                 burn fuel and ammunition, but it
        “I’m making sure someone will        It was reckless.                    would not inflict any damage. Why
        remember us!”
                                             Suicidal.                           bother with it?
        Suddenly, behind the massive tank
        convoy, they spotted jeeps carrying   Against orders.                    “Amos, let’s try firing them anyway.
        Syrian officers. Elimelech ordered   They did it anyway.                 Maybe it’ll scare them!”
        Amos to fire his last two mortar                                         Yossi was ready.
        rounds at the jeeps. They scattered   Amos held  up  the  helmet.  It
        and realized the Israeli outpost had   immediately  drew  fire.  They    “Find me a target!”
        not yet been destroyed.              moved 20 feet away and tried again.
                                             Nothing. He quickly grabbed the     Amos raised  the  helmet on  a  rifle.
        The tanks moved forward. That’s      binoculars and inched up to identify   Nobody shot at it. He quickly inched
        when Nissim, the heavy machine       a target. He saw a tank, barked the   up  and  yelled out  the  range  and
        gunner, did something insane.                                            position to Yossi.
                                             range and position to Yossi, who
        He fired his .50 caliber machine gun   jumped up and took a shot.        Yossi  jumped  out  and  fired  the
        at the lead tank. The bullets bounced                                    bazooka. Another direct hit, but
        off  the  tank.  They  couldn’t  pierce   A direct hit! One tank down. 109 to   they both knew it was a joke. A huge
        armor. No one knew what Nissim       go.                                 white spray blanketed the tank with
        was thinking.                        “Amos!” Yossi cried. “Move! Let’s go   thick smoke. No penetration. No

        The lead Syrian tank swiveled its    further down and try it again!”     danger to the tank crew.
        main gun at Nissim’s position and    Amos moved. They did it again. And
        fired, scoring a direct hit. It exploded   again.                        But something amazing happened.
        in a swirl of flame and smoke.                                           Amos and Yossi watched as the
        Nobody could have survived a blast   Yossi destroyed four tanks that     enemy  abandoned their  unscathed
        like that.                           day. The other tanks showered       tank! They were evidently terrified
                                             murderous fire on Outpost 107,      by the blast and  smoke, and
        Amos ran over to the position,       furious that the meager Israeli force   the knowledge the Israelis had
        shouting “Nissim! Nissim!”           was destroying their Russian-made   destroyed four tanks the day before.
        To Amos’ great shock, Nissim         battle tanks.                       They rushed out of the tank and
        responded, “I’m okay! I’m okay!” He   The barrage continued the next day   fled towards Syria. The other
        appeared  slightly  dazed  but  came   too. Over the din of incoming shells,   tanks moved on to other battles,
        through without a scratch.                                               abandoning the outpost.
                                             Yossi yelled, “Amos, let’s take out
        The Golani men were now facing       more tanks!”                        The 19 soldiers in Outpost 107 had
        obliteration. They were down to                                          fought for 100 hours straight and
        almost no ammunition. All seemed     “We’re  out   of   armor-piercing   survived, seeing open miracles that
        lost.                                rounds!”                            changed their lives forever.
                                             “What else do we have?”             This story originally appeared on
        Yossi still had his bazooka, with only
        a few rounds left.                   “White phosphorus.”                 Shlomo Horwitz is the founding director
                                                                                 of an educational theater project which
        Yossi and Amos were underground      White   phosphorus   (WP)   was     has provided creative Torah programming
        in  a  maze  of  bunkers.  There  was   powerless against the enemy tanks.   across the US, Canada, England and Israel
        no way to fire the bazooka without
        exposing Yossi as a target. How could
        they release a proper, well-aimed
        They had an idea. Amos would put a
        helmet on top of a rifle and gradually
        raise the helmet above ground. If it
        drew fire, he’d quickly lower it. He’d
        then move to another spot and try
        it again. If there was no fire, he’d
        look out to determine the range
        of  the  target tank, and tell Yossi.
        Yossi would then jump up, exposing                                                Amos (center)  and fellow members of Outpost 107

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