Page 34 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 34

Dr. Bryna Jocheved Levy


                THE PROPHETESS

            he drama of the Exodus reached   during their sojourn in the desert. Moshe   Rabbinic literature also credits Miriam
            its crescendo as the Red Sea split   was responsible for the manna, Aharon   with insight and foresight. The rabbis
     T and Bnei Yisrael traversed the       for the pillar of cloud, and Miriam for the   embellished her portrait through this
      raging waves. That moment is recorded   itinerant well.                     aggadah:  when Amram heard of Pharaoh’s
      in a song sung in two voices; the voice of                                  decree, he separated from his wife,
      Moshe and the voice of his sister Miriam.   A careful reading of our verse suggests that   figuring that having more children was
      Moshe’s  “Song of the Sea” is quoted by   Miriam’s position was that of a prophetess.   counter-productive. Miriam argued that
      Scripture in full, whereas Miriam’s song   How did she she merit that epithet?   her father’s action was worse than the
      appears to be a two-verse refrain echoing   Listening carefully to Miriam’s voice will   royal decree. Pharaoh devised to kill only
      Moshe’s oratorio:                                                           the males, not the females. To destroy
                                            allow for a broader definition of prophecy.   body, not soul.
      “Then Miriam, the prophetess, Aharon’s   The first time we hear her is in the story
      sister, took a timbrel in her hand, and all   of the birth  and salvation of the infant   Perhaps this  aggadah suggests a clear
      the women went out after her in dance   Moshe. As she stands watch over him,   distinction  between male  linear thinking
      with timbrels. And Miriam chanted     she catches sight of Pharaoh’s daughter.   versus  female cyclical thinking.  Miriam’s
      for  them:  sing to the  L-rd,  for  He  has   Witnessing  the  Egyptian  princess  dispute with her father was aimed at
      triumphed gloriously; horse and driver   discovering her baby brother, she offers   resolving  the  cognitive  dissonance
      He has hurled into the sea” (Exodus   the services of a wet nurse. Unbeknownst   between masculine logic and feminine
      15:20-21).                            to the princess, the wet nurse she procures   hope and faith. But the rabbis used this
                                            is Moshe’s very own mother.           exchange to enhance Miriam’s image
      The portrait of Miriam leading the                                          as a prophetess. Not only because her
      women in song and dance has been      Consider the course of events. Yocheved,   prediction  transpired,  but  because
      etched for posterity in the nation’s   Moshe’s mother, was unable to watch her   it illustrates her ability to rise above
      collective consciousness. The Torah not   baby’s final demise. Young Miriam was   circumstance and raise others, beyond an
      only records her chant, it accentuates   appointed to report the painful details   uncertain present to a future of greater
      her leadership role. Just as Moshe led the   to her. When Miriam saw the child saved   clarity. She was a woman of extraordinary
      Children of Israel in song, Miriam led the   by the princess, she could have run home   vision.
      women’s chorus.                       and shared her joy and relief with her
                                            parents. But she went beyond. She braved   Finally,  one wonders where  all  of  the
      Her role in the process of redemption is   approaching the princess and ingeniously   women acquired their timbrels from?
      corroborated by Micha: “In fact, I brought   returned the child to his family.   Surely they had no time to pack their bags
      you up from the land of Egypt, I redeemed                                   as they fled from their enemies. It was
      you from the house of bondage, And I sent   Although her considerations may have   Miriam, their prescient leader, who issued
      before you Moshe, Aharon and Miriam”   been personal and pragmatic, they reflect   the directive. Out of the darkness she
      (Micha 6:4).                          a certain long-range vision. She concerned   foresaw celebration and encouraged her
                                            herself with the child’s spiritual wellbeing,   constituency to lift their eyes and spirits,
      Nevertheless, Miriam’s precise part in
      the triumvirate is open to interpretation.   not merely his physical safety. Even at   to prepare themselves to sing the glorious
      Targum Jonathan translates the above   this early stage, her prophetic proclivities   song of redemption.
      verse, elaborating upon the role of   were not a function of prognostication
      each  player:  “…  Moshe  to  teach  the   but rather of farsightedness. She was the   1  Ta’anit 9a.
      law, Aharon to atone for the nation and   enabler whose opening words set the   2  Sotah 12a.
      Miriam to teach the women.”           process of redemption in motion. And it
                                            was her words which brought redemption   Dr. Bryna Jocheved Levy is the Rector
      The Gemara  suggests that each leader   to a close with the final encore of  “the   of the Bellows Eshkolot Graduate
      contributed to the wellbeing of the nation   Song of the Sea.”              Program in Biblical Studies at Matan

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