Page 30 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 30

promise so put some water in the cup every  grandfather, certain that he would be as   Pesach atmosphere in a Syrian prison. On the
      day, something may happen,” he told me.  surprised as I was. But of course he was   morning before, we meticulously cleaned our
                                            not.  Carefully he explained to me that life   cell (removing any crumbs of leavened bread)
      At the time, I was four years old and we lived   is  everywhere,  hidden  in  the  most  ordinary   in a way that the cement floor had never been
      on the  sixth  floor of an apartment building   and  unlikely  places.  I  was delighted.  “And   cleaned before.
      in Manhattan.  The whole thing made no   all it needs is water, Grandpa?”  I asked him.
      sense to me. I looked at him dubiously. He   Gently he touched me on the top of my head.   “On cardboard, we drew a Seder plate, with a
      nodded with encouragement. “Every day,   “No, Neshume-le,” he  said. “All it needs is   Star of David in the middle and room to place
      Neshume-le, my little one,” he told me.  your faithfulness.”                 each ingredient on the six protrusions of the

      And so I promised. At first, curious to see what                             star.
      would happen, I did not mind doing this. But                                 “In the afternoon, we succeed in organizing
      as the days went by and nothing changed,   Seder in Syrian Captivity         permission to  shower, albeit in  freezing
      it got harder and harder to remember the   Baruch Gordon                     water, after which we donned our holiday
      water  for the cup.  After a week, I asked my                                clothes and anxiously waited  for the
      grandfather if it was time to stop yet. Shaking  On Thursday, April 2, 1970, the Israeli Air   beginning of the holiday. These were difficult
      his head no, he said, “Every day Neshume-le.”   Force attacked  Syrian tanks and artillery in   hours of contemplation  – the memories
                                            the Golan Heights. Three Syrian MIG jets were   which swelled up to the point that we choked
      The  second week was even harder, and I   downed, as well as one Israeli Phantom jet.  as we recalled our homes, and tried to feel
      became resentful of my promise to put water                                  the atmosphere of Pesach as  sundown
      in the cup. When my grandfather came again,  Israeli pilot Gidon Magen and navigator Pinny   approached, and sense the distinct smells of
      I tried to give it back to him but he refused to   Nachmani parachuted out of the jet  safely,   the late afternoon.
      take it, saying simply, “Every day Neshume-le,   but were captured by the  Syrian enemy.
      my little one.” By the third week, I began to   They spent the next three years in the high-  “…  As  we  celebrated  and  loudly  chanted
      forget the water altogether.  Often I would   security Mezze military prison in Damascus.  the Haggadah, the prison guards appeared
      remember only after I was in bed and I would   Writing on small pieces of toilet and wrapping   and demanded that we stop. In the next cell
      have to get out of bed and water the cup   paper, Pinny kept a  secret diary of 300   sat the recently-deposed President of Syria,
      in the dark. But I did not miss a single day.   pages.  He  made  the  following  entry  after   Nureddin al-Atassi, the very man who when
                                                                                   he had imprisoned us declared, ‘Let the
      And one morning, there were two little green   their  second  Seder night in 1971: “Pesach   Israeli prisoners age in Syrian prison.’
      leaves that had not been there the night before.                    has passed, the quintessential national
                                            holiday of the Jews.  We are among the  few   “We refused to  stop! Even the threat of
      I was completely astonished. Day by day  who are prevented  from celebrating with   solitary confinement could not stop the roar
      they got bigger. I could not wait to tell my  our  families. It’s difficult to describe the   of freedom.”
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