Page 27 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 27

But not allowed us to rebuild the  Torah  rachtza                         Next up was matzah, and I was  fortunately
       world in Israel with well over 100,000   A Story Before the Meal          allowed to receive two pounds of bread. My
       men  and  women studying  Torah full-time,   Seder in Siberia             sisters had sent me matzah from Israel, but
                                                                                 it arrived in small pieces because the guards
       perhaps the most in Jewish history   Rabbi Yosef Mendelovich              thought it contained a secret message.

       Dayeinu, it would have been enough   I managed to pull a Seder together in my  My father had sent me raisins, so I collected

      If G-d had rebuilt the Yeshiva and Torah world  last  year  in  Christopol  prison,  where  I  was   the sugar doled out to the prisoners and put
                                                                                 it in a jar with the raisins and water, hiding it
                                            kept in a dark dank cell for three years, for
       But not produced  so many outstanding  the “crime” of having observed  Shabbat. I   by a hot water pipe under my bed in the hope
       Torah scholars and leaders           told Hillel, my cell mate, that we should hold   it would ferment and become wine.
                                            a Seder, but Hillel was skeptical considering  But that wasn’t all. I  found herbs growing
       Dayeinu, it would have been enough   the dangers and difficulties, and left me  under the asphalt in the exercise yard. I took
      If  G-d had produced  so many outstanding   alone to try and scrounge the required foods.  those small leaves breaking through the hard
                                                                                 asphalt to be a symbol of freedom, and saved
      Torah scholars and leaders            I had a  small postcard with a picture of a  them for my karpas.

       But not opened the gates of freedom to the   Seder plate  from the Israel Museum, which   Shankbone? That was a little harder! But I did
       oppressed Russian and Ethiopian Jews  was not confiscated because it had nothing   have some chicken soup-flavored cubes sent
                                            written on it. Thanks to that picture I knew   to me by people from Kibbutz Yavne in Israel.
       Dayeinu, it would have been enough   what I needed.
                                                                                 Finally, I asked my guards for a copy of the
      If G-d had opened the gates of freedom to the   And then the miracles began to happen…  Pravda Communist propaganda paper, which
      oppressed Russian and Ethiopian Jews  Everything I needed came to me. It  started   I used to craft a seder plate.

       But not made Israel the country with largest   when a flu epidemic began spreading around  I  surprised Hillel with the ingredients I had
       amount of Jews  for the  first time in over   the prison, and the jail's administration gave  assembled. The raisins had turned to wine,
                                                                                 and Hillel had his first Seder.
       2,500 years                          each prisoner an onion for their health. I put
                                            it in water to get green sprouts I could use for   And  the  next  morning  yet another  miracle
       Dayeinu, it would have been enough   maror.                               occurred.  They took Hillel out of our cell.
                                                                                 I thought they were just transferring him
                                                                                 elsewhere but Natan Sharansky later told me
                                                                                 that he had been released with other friends,
                                                                                 and was already in Israel.

                                                                                 motzi matzah
                                                                                 The Blessing Over Chametz
                                                                                 in Bergen-Belsen

                                                                                 Before    eating   chametz in the
                                                                                 concentration camp  seder, Jews recited a
                                                                                 special prayer:

                                                                                 “Our Father in Heaven! It is well-known
                                                                                 to you that we desire to  follow  Your will
                                                                                 and celebrate Pesach with matzah,  strictly
                                                                                 avoiding chametz. Yet our hearts are pained
                                                                                 that the enslavement prevents us from doing
                                                                                 so for our lives  are  in danger. We  are here,

                                                                        HaMizrachi Seder Companion             27
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