Page 22 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 22

introduction                          Four Cups – Four Mothers
                                                                                 Rabbi Yishayahu Halevi Horowitz
                                           Being in the Moment                   (The Shla HaKadosh)
                                           Rabbi Johnny Solomon
                                                                                 Cup 1:  Sarah  Imeinu,  who  with  Avraham
                                           The focus of  Seder night is our      brought many people closer to  G-d and
                                           relationship with time – how we can use the  Judaism. We make Kiddush on this cup and
                                           present to reflect on the past to  shape our  say “Who chose us from every other people.”
                                                                                 Cup 2: Rivka Imeinu, who reached great
                                           To reach this  state, it is necessary  for us   spiritual heights, despite coming  from a
                                           to be ‘in the moment’ of  Seder night, or   family of idol worshipers.  On this cup we
                                                                                 recite the Haggadah passages dealing with
                                           as Rav  Soloveitchik explains, ‘to connect   Lavan (Rivka's father) and Ya’akov.
                                           retrospection with anticipation, memory with
                                           expectation, hind  view with  foresight, one  Cup 3: Rachel Imeinu. We pour it at the end
                                           must cherish the present fleeting moment as   of the meal and say Birkat HaMazon. It was
                                           if it represented eternity’ (Noraot HaRav Vol. 4   Yosef, Rachel's son, who provided food for the
                                           pp. 153-4).                           whole of Egypt.
                                                                                 Cup 4: Leah Imeinu, who was the  first to
                                           By cherishing the moments of Seder night, we   thank  G-d when  she gave birth to  Yehuda:
                                           can achieve true freedom by recognizing that   “This time I will thank G-d” (Genesis 29:35).
                                           the greatest gift we have at any moment… is
                                           that very moment.

                                           So make sure that wherever you are for Seder
                                           night, don’t just bring a present, but actually   A Night of Possibility
                                           be in the present,  so that you cherish the   Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
                                           moment of being with those you love, as if it  “On Passover, Jews are commanded
                                           represented eternity.                 to tell the  story of the Exodus and to  see
                                                                                 ourselves as having lived through that story,
                                                                                 so that we may better learn how to live our
                                                                                 lives today.  The  stories  we  tell our children
                                           kadesh                                shape what they believe to be possible.”
                                           Why is This Kiddush Different?
                                           Rabbi Alex Israel
                                           A slave’s time is not his own. He is at his   Are We Really Free?
                                           master's beck and call. Even when the slave   Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon
                                             has a pressing personal engagement, his
                                           taskmaster’s needs will take priority.  A child once complained to me, “I feel like
                                                                                 a slave on Seder night!”
                                           In contrast,  freedom is the control of our time.
                                                                                 “Do you work hard to prepare for the Seder?”
                                           Kiddush  says this out loud.  We  sanctify the   I asked him.
                                           day and define its meaning!  We proclaim   “No. I go on hikes with my friends.”
                                           this  day as significant, holy and meaningful.
                                           We fashion time, claim ownership of it, and   “So what’s so hard?” I replied.
                                             fashion it as a potent contact point with   “We eat a bite of karpas, and then we have to
                                           G-d, peoplehood and tradition.  This is a  go hungry for ages until the meal! I really feel
                                             quintessential act of Jewish freedom.  like a slave!”

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