Page 20 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 20

Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel

              Family Night

              nnual polls indicate that over   On the other hand, some would say that   the classic Jewish model. There is room
              95% of the Israeli public     bringing a child into this world is almost   for sensitivity to others whose lifestyle
      A celebrate Seder night in one        an act of cruelty, an egotistical option   differs from mine. However, my call
      form or another. And given that only   for parental self-realization. In contrast,   here is not to give up on the aspiration,
      51% define themselves as religious or   the ethos of the Jewish family is that   on the great vision of family. Not to let
      traditional, this figure is astonishing.  one who believes, sows. Jewish parents   go of the understanding that family is a
                                            begin a family with faith in goodness,   treasure and a destiny, the well-planted,
      Why is this?                          with dreams of building a house in
                                            which both human beings and the        well-watered root from which everything
      Well, beyond the many virtues of Pesach,                                     grows.
      it  would  appear  that  one advantage  or   Divine Presence can dwell in harmony.
      attraction stands out above the rest:   On a deeper level, we realize that upon   True, building a family requires effort,
      Seder night is the night of family.   starting  a  family  we  are  entering  into  a   emotional investment, time, delaying
                                            partnership with G-d to make the world   gratification, concessions, and a clear set
      Judaism did not introduce the concept   a better place.                      of priorities (because no one on their
      of family into the world, but family                                         deathbed ever regretted not spending
      means the world to Judaism.           Beyond  any  particular  halacha  or
                                            custom, there is a clear Jewish voice   more time in the office).
      There seems to be no better incubator   directed at both men and women:      These are choices that require patience
      for human cubs. No better glasshouse   develop the world, learn Torah, be    for deep, complex processes instead of
      for nurturing individuals, and no     creative  and  innovative  and  benevolent,   click-quick addictions to excitement,
      better building block for constructing a   and yet when all is told, your family is
      cooperative and just society.         probably the most important thing you’ll   and trust in our ability, together, to form
                                            ever create.                           a stable, healthy and long-term entity
      I would even go further and suggest                                          that is greater than the sum of its parts
      that our ability to repair the world, to   That said, what is happening all around   (each of which is invaluable).
      live with a sense of responsibility to   us today? Much has been proclaimed
      others, and to implement most of the   about traditional family structures and   The Torah requires each family to
      great ambitions of the individual, the   values crumbling in the modern world.   eat the  Korban Pesach together in one
      community, and the nation, all stem   Individualism, pluralism, and the variety   house. This is meant to elevate the
      from our family roots.                of  new ‘family’  configurations, plus   home and to emphasize the centrality
                                            growing divorce rates, dwindling birth   of the home and the family in the life of
      Judaism is undeniably family centric.   rates, children born out of wedlock, and   the individual. Nowadays, Seder night,
      From our Matriarchs and Patriarchs    more are all cited as causes. The cute   the night of  “and you shall tell your
      down through the generations; from    and familiar drawing of a child depicting   children,” unites all the members of the
      individuals, to families, to a nation of   his or her family as a robust and stable   household around one table. This is the
      families, the Jewish family has been   unit  – father-mother-children – is fast
      the main font of strength, education,   becoming an exception in many places.   night we are reminded of our shared past
      continuity and character for millennia.                                      and mutual destiny. This is the night the
                                            But let us take a step back for a moment.   Jewish nation was born, family by family.
      The family is also the main arena for   When writing about the family as the
      religious life, with parental obligations,   basis of all, I fear I might hurt those
      yet with a most grateful commitment to   who did not grow up in a supportive
      honoring parents. Parents are obligated   family, or those longing to establish
      to invest in their children’s education,   a family who have not yet fulfilled
      and to share regular yet special family   their dream.  I am afraid to upset those
      time around the Shabbat table, holidays   whose circumstances led them to    Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel teaches
      and particularly Seder night itself.  establish family units that differ from   Torah at midrashot in Israel

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