Page 16 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 16

Rav Kook's Teachings

                                                                     Rabbi Chanan Morrison

        The Hillel Sandwich

            ogether or separate? The Sages   With a clean slate, lacking any national   Israel and our natural love for G-d and
            disagreed on how one should     character of their own, a holy character   Torah. This innate character enables us
     T eat the  matzah and  maror at the    could then be imprinted on Israel’s    to overcome desires that do not concur
      Passover Seder.                       national soul. This is part of the matzah   with our elevated goals. It is through our
                                            metaphor:  it lacks  any  shape and  taste   persistence and dedication to the overall
      The Talmud in Berachot 49a admonishes   of its own, so that the desired form and   goal that we reveal our inner resources of
      us not to perform  mitzvot ‘bundled   flavor may be properly imposed upon it.  freedom.
      together.’ We do  not want to give the
      impression that mitzvot are an unwanted   The Message of Maror               Both of these traits, freedom and
      burden, an obligation to discharge as                                        servitude, need to be free to act without
      quickly as possible. Thus the majority   Maror is the opposite of  matzah; its   interference from one another. When a
      opinion is that the two mitzvot of eating   bitterness is a symbol of servitude. But   spirit of freedom and independence is
      matzah and  maror should be performed   even servitude may have a positive value.   appropriate, it should not be constrained
      separately.                           An individual wants to become a doctor   by a servile attitude; and when discipline
                                            must spend many years in medical       and a sense of duty are needed, they
      Hillel’s custom was to place the  Pesach   school to achieve this goal. The long   should not be disrupted by a desire
      offering and the maror inside the matzah   years of concentrated effort require great   for freedom. Thus, according to the
      and eat them together like a sandwich.   dedication  and discipline.  These  years
      Why?                                  are a form of servitude, but a servitude   majority opinion, we should eat  matzah
                                                                                   and  maror  separately,  indicating  that
                                            that advances one’s final goal, and thus is   each trait should be expressed to its
      Matzah and Freedom                    ultimately a true expression of freedom.
      To understand Hillel’s opinion, we    This idea may also be applied to the   However, the ultimate goal is attained
      must first examine the significance of   Jewish people. Our souls are ingrained   only when we recognize that these two
      matzah and  maror.  Matzah is a symbol   with a Divine nature, but we suffer from   forces do not contradict one another.
      of freedom. True freedom means the    character imperfections that prevent
      opportunity  to  grow  and  develop   us from realizing our inner nature. For   Together they present the highest
      according to one’s inner nature and   this reason we accept upon ourselves a   freedom, whose nobility and power is
      natural gifts, without interference or   pleasant form of servitude, the service of   fully  revealed  when  it  wears  the  crown
      coercion from outside influences. This   G-d. We acquired this ability in Egypt.   of lofty servitude — the service of the
      freedom is symbolized by  matzah,     This is slavery’s positive contribution —   Holy King, a service that is freedom in
      a simple food consisting solely of    it teaches one to accept the deferment of   its purest state.
      flour and water, unaffected by other   immediate desires and short-term goals.  Thus Hillel would eat  matzah and
      ingredients and chemical processes.                                          maror together. He sought to emphasize
                                            This is the central message of  maror:
      To form the Jewish people as a holy   acceptance of life’s bitter aspects, with   that freedom and slavery are not
      nation, their national character needed   the knowledge that this resolve will   contradictory concepts. Generally, the
      to be independent of all foreign      allow us to attain higher objectives. For   quality of servitude belongs more to
      influences. They left Egypt free from   this reason, we eat the  maror only after   the preparatory stage; but in the overall
      the spiritual baggage of Egyptian     eating the matzah — only after we have   picture, the two forces are interrelated,
      culture. Thus, in preparation of bringing   clarified our ultimate goals.    complementing one  another  to  attain
      the  Passover offering,  they were                                           the final goal.
      commanded to “draw out and take for   Discipline and Freedom                 (Silver from the Land of Israel. Adapted from
      yourselves sheep” (Exodus 12:21). What                                       Olat Re’iyah vol. II, pp. 287-289)
      does it mean to ‘draw out’? The Midrash   Now we may better understand the
      explains that they needed to remove any   disagreement between  Hillel  and  the   Rabbi Chanan Morrison is the author of
      affinity to Egyptian idolatry from within   other sages. Freedom, as symbolized by   several books on Rav Kook's writings
      themselves.                           matzah, reveals the inherent holiness of

            16       Background illustration of Rav Kook courtesy of
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