Page 18 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 18

Mizrachi in Israel's National Institutions

                                                                       Rabbi Yechiel Wasserman

                       jewish unity

                   aroun� the world

            he expression  ב ֵ ל ְּ ב  ד ָ ח ֶ א  ׁשי ִ א ְּ כ   mitzvah  of  “And you  shall  love  your   educational  material,  including  a
            ד ָ ח ֶ א, “as one person with one   neighbor as yourself” – that Am Yisrael   Children’s Haggadah translated into 22
     T heart,”      appears   in  Rashi’s   is one soul divided into many bodies. It   languages! The purpose of the Haggadah
      comment to the verse ד ֶ ג ֶנ ל ֵ א ָ ר ְ ׂשִי ם ָ ׁש ן ַ חִּי ַ ו   is just that the differences of opinion,   is to bring the Pesach story to life for
      ר ָ ה ָ ה, “and Israel encamped there by the   the arguments and the complaints cause   children and to allow them to feel part of
      mountain” (Exodus 19:2).              us not to be of one heart. It was only at   the evening’s proceedings and to follow
                                            Mount  Sinai  that we  reached  the  ideal   the reading in their own language.
      The  famous  question is why  did  the   situation, in which we were of one heart
      Torah use the singular  ן ַ חִּי ַ ו and not the   as well.                  The Center for Religious Affairs also
      plural  ּונ ֲ ח ַי ָ ו? Rashi explains that through                          runs seminars for rabbis, encouraging
      their 40 years in the desert, Bnei Yisrael   It was different with the Egyptians. They   leaders  from  small  and  distant
      had arguments, differences of opinion,   are not “as one person.” When they were   communities to become familiar with
      and objections to their leadership. But   chasing Bnei Yisrael they had a mutual   the latest halachic and educational
      here, as they stand by Mount Sinai, ready   goal, which united them – as one heart –   developments and solutions, as well as
      to receive the Torah, they are united, as   and so for that moment they became as   enriching their knowledge and toolbox.
      one person with one heart.            one person to achieve their aim.       And we also organize an annual world

      Interestingly, this expression does not   Nowadays, in the age of our small   Jewish  leaders’ convention  in  Jerusalem
      appear in the Mishna, the Talmud or   global village, in which assimilation   attended by community rabbis from over
      the Midrash. It is a phrase coined by   and intermarriage rates are high and   40 countries.
      Rashi that he indeed uses again, slightly   increasing, and many young Jews are   Engaged in many projects on a daily
      differently, in another context.      leaving the fold and the tradition of their   basis  all  year round,  our  people  work
                                            ancestors, Seder night is an opportunity
      As the Jews are fleeing Egypt and     for community heads, spiritual leaders   on the assumption that the Jewish
      approaching the Red Sea, the verse says:   and of course parents, to strengthen the   holidays are the strongest opportunity
      ם ֶ הי ֵ ר ֲ ח ַ א  ע ַ ס ָנ  םִי ַ ר ְ צ ִ מ  ה ֵּנ ִ ה ְ ו  ...בי ִ ר ְ ק ִ ה   ּ הֹע ָ ר ְ פּו,   Jewish family unit around the world, “as   for  reinforcing the  connection  between
      “and Pharaoh drew near and behold     one person with one heart.”            Diaspora Jewry and Jewish tradition,
      Egypt was traveling after them” (Exodus                                      and for nurturing unity and solidarity
      14:10). Again, the word ע ַ ס ָנ traveling, is   The Center for Religious Affairs in   with the State of Israel and with Jews all
      in the singular, and if Pharaoh and the   the Diaspora in the World Zionist   over the world, “as one person with one
      Egyptians are chasing it should say  ּוע ְ ס ָנ   Organization, based in Jerusalem, is in   heart.”
      in the plural. Again, Rashi comments   close and constant contact with rabbis
      ד ָ ח ֶ א  ׁשי ִ א ְּ כ ד ָ ח ֶ א ב ֵ ל ְּ ב – the Egyptians were   in hundreds of communities all over
      united in their pursuit of the Jews.   the world, with the aim of helping to   1   Rabbi Avraham Bornstein, the Sokatchover
                                            strengthen  Jewish-Zionist  identity,  Rebbe (1838-1910).
      But  why  did Rashi reverse  the  words   particularly among the youth. In   2  Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the first
      here? First ד ָ ח ֶ א ב ֵ ל ְּ ב and then ד ָ ח ֶ א  ׁשי ִ א?  addition,  the  center’s  aim  is  to  nurture   Lubavitcher Rebbe (1745-1813).
                                            the relationship with the State of Israel
      The Avnei Nezer  answers that Am      and emphasize its centrality to Jewish   Rabbi Yechiel Wasserman is Head of the
      Yisrael, by its very nature, is  ד ָ ח ֶ א   ׁשי ִ א ְּ כ.   life in the Diaspora.  Center for Religious Affairs in the Diaspora
      “All of Israel are responsible for one                                       in the World Zionist Organization and one
      another.” The  Ba’al HaTanya   adds –   This activity occurs in many different   of World Mizrachi's representatives in the
      when explaining the reason for the    ways, one of which is through          National Institutions

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