Page 14 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 14


                                                                            Dr. Efrat Sobolofsky

                        “Splitting the Sea”                                                                                                          THE HAGGADAH:

         THREE DATING POINTS TO CONSIDER                                                                                          EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONS

            es, of course it is lovely to meet   And if one has a negative experience,   question  asked –  which  we  try to
            someone at a Shabbat meal or    which unfortunately does happen, let’s   discourage, as it assumes the person
     Y through a mutual friend. And,        not  reject  an entire  system  by  saying,   being asked has special prophetic talents.
      yes,  of  course,  we  all  wish  we  could   “the suggestions I received were so   Yet we  all  know  of happily married
      meet in a most natural and effortless   off that I will never accept another   couples, whom had they relied solely
      fashion, but it doesn’t always happen   suggestion made online,” or “there was   upon the first ratings of others regarding
      that way. Here are three points to bear   no one for me at that event, so I’m done   their  compatibility,  would never  have
      in mind for anyone involved in dating or   with those.”                      met.
      matchmaking, in any capacity:
                                            2. A Broader Perspective               A mother recently called for assistance.
      1. Positive and Open-Minded                                                  She explained that she was contacted
                                            While many consider it unthinkable to   by a college friend about a young girl in
      A  few  months  ago,  two  young  men   ask about colored tablecloths, disposable   her community who was suggested for
      visited the YU Connect office. One was   dishes or the like when considering   the caller’s son. Her immediate response
      already an online member, a frequent   a dating partner, too often inquiries   was, “I can’t see you being in-laws
      event participant, and dating a lovely   are  made into  matters  that  have  little   with her mother.” Valuing her friend’s
      woman  through  the  volunteerism of   prognostication for a happy marriage.   opinion, the calling mother immediately
      an online connector. He had brought   We  often hear  things  like,  “Where  does   dismissed the match without asking for
      in his friend, who had expressed some   her family spend their vacations?”   any further details.
      resistance in joining the program.    “Why can’t you suggest someone a few
                                            years older, a few months younger or   Examples  of  other frequent  discounting
      As the friend continued to hesitate, he   two inches taller?” Why that choice   comments we hear are, “don’t bother,
      turned to him and said: “If you were in   of  occupation?”  or  “I  can’t see  myself   their personalities will never match,”
      the market for a new job today, chances   with  someone  from  that  community,   or “they won’t be attracted to one
      are you'd do everything in your power   an alumnus of that post-high-school   another.” I shudder each time I hear
      to network with past colleagues, close   program in Israel,” or other narrow   these flippant remarks (or see them in
      friends, casual acquaintances, etc.   pronouncements.                        texts), wondering about the awesome
      You would take advantage of all that                                         responsibility we take by withholding
      technology offers by connecting to    Relationship-building  experts  refer  match possibilities best assessed by a
      professionals suspended in multiple   to this as a focus on “form versus     dating couple themselves.
      degrees of separation from you and by   substance;” i.e., people place more
      chasing any possible lead that could   weight on peripheral, circumstantial   These scenarios serve as a humble
      help you achieve success. Simply put,   or  even  influential  institutions,  reminder of how careful we must be
      you would stop at nothing to land the   communities, or experiences rather   with  our  words  when asked  for  our
      most suitable job. By contrast, can you   than evaluating the individual’s unique   impressions of others.
      imagine  applying  for  a job  by  saying,   array of character traits, current   Nevertheless, whenever I hear, “I
      ‘I won’t fill out an application, I’ll pass   values, aspiring goals, dreams and   never thought I would date or marry
      on an interview, you really don’t know   practices, many of which indeed come   someone… younger, older, from that
      anything about me, but please—offer me   to life through the dating and marital   family background or community… yet
      a job.’”                              experience.
                                                                                   we have so much in common and are
      While comparing the dating atmosphere   3. Be Wary in Dismissing Match Ideas   so happy together,” my smile becomes
      to a job-hunt may sound a bit crass, the                                     almost as wide as theirs.
      young man did raise some noteworthy   It is common for a anyone who receives   (The original, longer article first appeared on the
      points. Yes, the dating years can be a   a match suggestion to confer with a   Marcos and Adina Katz site.)
      trying time but let us try to be positive   mutual friend or acquaintance as to
      and open-minded to the possibilities out   whether the proposed match is a good   Efrat Sobolofsky, LMSW, PhD, is Director
      there and to maximize opportunities.   idea. “Can you see it?” is the colloquial   of YUConnects
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