Page 9 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 9

Rabbi Shalom Rosner


                                    of the

            here   is  an                                  beginnings  of  our     י ִּ ת ְ ח ַ ק ָ ל ְ ו. The first three relate to different
            ancient Seder                                  nation, both physically   stages of the Exodus, while the fourth
     T custom           of                                 and spiritually, all the   one,  י ִּ ת ְ ח ַ ק ָ ל ְ ו, is a reference to Matan
      eating an egg at the end                            way up to the ultimate   Torah. The Netziv explains that between
      of Maggid. The Rema                               moment, that fateful night   the  third  and the  fourth  cup,  which
      (476:2) quotes one reason                     when Pharaoh urged us to       symbolize the Exodus and Matan Torah,
      for this as being a symbol of mourning.   leave. With great excitement, we finally   one cannot drink anything else. There
      Just as a mourner upon returning from   left behind our 210 years of servitude.
      the cemetery eats a meal of bread     We end our re-telling with a  bracha   cannot be a break, lest one think the
      and eggs, so too we must partake of   which acknowledges and thanks G-d for   process is complete. We must remember
      this at the Seder. Why? Aren’t we in a   His redeeming us. Lest we think this is   that  the  Exodus  was  stage  one  of  birth
      celebratory, festive mood? Yes, but we   the end, the final stage of our national   while Matan Torah was stage two.
      still need a reminder, that though we   birth, we quickly eat an egg, symbolizing   Similarly, why don’t we make a
      are celebrating in our respective homes,   two stages of birth. The Exodus was   shehechiyanu on the counting of the
      we must realize that we still don’t have a   amazing, but there is a second stage   Omer? Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik
      Beit HaMikdash. We are thus mandated   to this process. This will occur in 49
      to both feel as if we just left Egypt, but   days from now, when we celebrate the   explains  that inherently,  this  mitzvah
      also recognize that presently in exile,   holiday of Shavuot, the day we received   differs from all others, and thus makes
      we still have much for which to mourn.   the Torah. The Jewish people were   shehechiyanu  inappropriate.  Shehechiyanu
      The egg then is similar to the breaking of   not completely “born” until after they   is recited to thank G-d for bringing us to
      the glass under a chuppah, or leaving an   received the Torah, and had a blueprint   a special moment. Counting means that
      unfinished area in a new house. These   as to how to live their lives. Pesach is   we are not there yet. We are counting
      are all ways of focusing on Jerusalem,   the beginning, while Shavuot is the real   towards something, towards a particular
      even at the times when we are most    climax.                                moment. The mitzvah of Sefirat HaOmer
      joyous.                                                                      is to count towards the final stage of
                                            The Netziv comments that a detail in the   our natural birth, the day of Shavuot,
      The Ishbitzer Rebbe had the following   halachot of the four cups reflects this idea   acknowledging that until that time, we
      novel idea to explain the custom of the   as well. Is one allowed to drink other
      egg. Almost all creatures in the world   liquids in between the drinking of the   are not completely Am Yisrael. Thus,
      experience one  stage  of  birth. The   four cups of wine? The Shulchan Aruch   making a shehechiyanu at the start of the
      mother gives birth to a living offspring,   (473:3, 479:1) codifies that between the   counting would be inappropriate.
      and the process of procreation is     first and second, as well as between the   Yes, all it is is a little egg at the end
      complete. But those creatures that lay   second and third, one can drink other   of  Maggid,  but  maybe  that egg  holds
      eggs  experience  two  stages  of  birth.   beverages. Between the third and fourth   the secret to the entire Seder night,
      First, the egg is laid, and only later   cup though, no drinking is allowed.   or indeed the entire Pesach- Shavuot
      does the egg hatch. Maybe, suggests   What is the symbolic reason behind this
      the Ishbitzer, this is why we eat an egg   halacha? The Netziv notes the famous   season.
      at the end of Maggid. We just spent   Yerushalmi  that  parallels  the  four  cups   Rabbi Shalom Rosner is a Rebbe at
      many hours focusing on the Exodus     to the four words used to describe G-d’s   Yeshivat Kerem B'Yavneh and Rabbi of
      from Egypt, from the lowly, humble    redeeming us:  י ִּ ת ְ ל ַ א ָ ג ְ ו  י ִּ ת ְ ל ַּ צ ִ ה ְ ו  י ִ תא ֵ צ ֹוה ְ ו   the Nofei HaShemesh community

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