Page 5 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 5

Rabbi Reuven Taragin                                     Rabbanit Shani Taragin

                                THE ת ַבּ AND THE ת ִי ַבּ

             he Book of Shemot begins       people are exposed to ת ֹות ֹוא and םי ִ ת ְ פ ֹומ   ת ֹומ ֹוח ַ ה – between the walls, on the
             with re-counting Ya’akov Avinu   –  signs and  wonders  –  witnessing  the   Canaan-Egyptian border; she is the
     T and his children – 70  nefesh        rise and fall of Egyptian technology and   bridge between past and future, between
      (souls) of Bnei Yisrael who journeyed   agricultural industry. They gradually   the 70 descendants of Ya’akov and the
      to  Mitzrayim –  ֹותי ֵ בּו   ׁשי ִ א – each man   migrate back to their lands in Goshen   600,000 soldiers of a nation who will
      and his  תִי ַּ ב (home).  A few verses later,   with  each  plague,  and  they  learn  how   leave Egypt to return home. Through
      we  find  Pharaoh  calling  Bnei  Yisrael  a   to follow a different calendrical system   identifying as the daughter of Levi, she
      threatening nation –  Am Bnei Yisrael.   – expressive of our unique lunar traits,   perpetuates the values and covenants of
      Every  ם ָ ע, nation, begins as a  תִי ַּ ב, a   providing for waxing, waning and   the past as she raises the leaders of the
      home.                                 perpetual renewal, as opposed to the   next generation.
                                            static solar powers of ancient Egypt.
      Therefore, before G-d fulfills His                                           Even at age 130, when she gives birth
      promises of  ם ָ ע ְ ל  י ִ ל  ם ֶ כ ְ ת ֶ א י ִּ ת ְ ח ַ ק ָ ל ְ ו, “and   Nevertheless, the narrative begins   to Moshe, Yocheved is still called a
      I will take you to me as a people,” they   with stories of individuals who plant   daughter! Rabbi Yehuda bar Zveida
      must first re-identify as a  תִי ַּ ב. For   the seeds of redemption. Not Moshe   (in Bava Batra 120a) teaches that
      even if the locale will not change for   Rabbeinu alone, but rather numerous   she was reborn as a daughter – her
      hundreds of years, the people will – they   women of unclear identity – midwives   wrinkles disappeared and her youth was
      will multiply, assimilate, and as Moshe   who risk their lives to save Hebrew   restored. As long as we see ourselves as
      Rabbeinu highlights to G-d, they will be   children;  a mother, a sister and the   daughters to our mothers and fathers,
      susceptible to forgetting their past.  daughter of Pharaoh who are determined   as a continuum of the families we come
                                            to provide salvation for a newborn child,   from, we are inspired to build the homes
      Bnei Yisrael cannot leave Mitzrayim as a   and daughters of a Midianite priest who   and leaders of the future  – with youthful
      nation until they demonstrate their faith   reciprocate with sustenance to their   vigor and optimism, even in the face of
      within the family unit. To this end, they   “savior.”                        oppression! Through the “bookends” of
      are commanded  to  sacrifice the  ן ַּ ב ְ רֹק                               the story of redemption (תִי ַּ ב  ת ַּ ב), the
      ח ַ ס ֶּ פ in the context of their houses and   All the women in Chapter 2 of Shemot   Torah teaches us the secret of Jewish
      homes – תִי ָּ ב ַ ל ה ֶ ׂש תֹב ָ א תי ֵ ב ְ ל ה ֶ ׂש, “and to   are  noted  as  ת ֹונ ָּ ב  –  daughters.  The   survival!
      put blood on their doorposts.” 2      leading word  ת ַּ ב  appears eight times:
                                             ֹור ְ תִי  ת ֹונ ְ בּו,  ת ַּ ב,  הֹע ְ ר ַּ פ  ת ַּ ב,  י ִ ו ֵ ל  ת ַּ ב. They
      Because only when we identify our     are ultimately responsible for the
      homes with the blood reminiscent of   metamorphosis from eight occurrences   1  Ibn Ezra – his children, Chizkuni – his wife.
      Brit bein HaBetarim and with the Divine   of  ת ַּ ב to eight occurrences of  תִי ַּ ב by   2  Exodus 12:3.
      promises of our past may we proceed to   Chapter 12 – the perfect inclusio!     3  According to Rav and Shmuel, the midwives are a
      religious nationhood. Perhaps that’s why                                     mother-daughter/daughter-in-law team.
      the word  תִי ַּ ב appears eight times as the   The Torah is teaching us that it is the ת ַּ ב   4  Inclusio is a literary device based on a concentric
      ה ָ ח ְנ ַ מ ה ָ לי ִ מ (leading word) in Chapter 12,   (daughter)  who  builds  the  תִי ַּ ב  (home).   principle, creating a frame by placing similar
      as a pre-condition for national-religious   Our story of national redemption begins   material at the beginning and end of a section.
      formation.                            with individuals who appreciate that   5  Even after the Exodus, in Numbers 26:59, she is
                                            they are continuing the dreams, destiny   still referred to as “Yocheved the daughter of Levi
      How are we meant to undergo this      and moral values of their parents,     born to Levi in Egypt”!
      transformation from individuals to    connoted through their consistent      6  Bava Batra 120a.
      families?                             identity as daughters.                 7  Midrash Shochar Tov, Proverbs 14.
      We find 10 chapters charting the Bnei   Yocheved, albeit the mother of Moshe,   Rabbanit Shani Taragin is Educational
      Yisrael’s development from oppression   is never noted in matriarchal terms,   Director of World Mizrachi and Religious
      through redemption. We learn of       but rather as  י ִ ו ֵ ל ת ַּ ב – the quintessential   Zionists of America-Mizrachi. She directs
      challenges of leadership, tenacity of   daughter  born to Levi in  Mitzrayim.   the Mizrachi Lapidot Educators’ Program
      faith, patience in the process. The   Chazal teach us  that she was born  ןי ֵּ ב   in Matan
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