Page 2 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 2

Israel and US

                                                                          Rabbi David A. Israel

                                            THE FOUR SONS

                                            AND THE ENEMY WITHIN

                                            some point, I was so fascinated (actually   Evil seems to be in the eyes of the
                                            I figured I could turn it into a paper for   beholder. How disheartening to see the
                                            a history class) that I went to a Jewish   idealistic pioneers as representations of
                                            library and began pulling out Haggadot   evil! What a contrast between this view
                                            and finding an even greater variety   of the first Jewish tillers of the Holy
                                            of evil – punk rockers, Moe from the   Land in 2,000 years and that of Rav
                                            Three Stooges, as well as kibbutzniks,   Kook, who upon visiting kibbutznikim
                                            communists, and even Zionist pioneers.    in the Galilee said: “There are great
                                                                                  souls here with a willingness to sacrifice
                                            Then came the most exciting and       for the Jewish people.”
                                            exhilarating discovery. Knowing that
                                            the representation of the evil child   Rather than pointing fingers, I choose to
                                            as a Roman soldier was  one of the    believe that the four siblings are not four
                                            most classic, I was moved to see a    different people, nor even four stages in
                                            Haggadah that showed a  ל" ַ ה ַ צ  ל ַּי ַ ח, an   the growth of a single person. The four
                                            IDF soldier, as the  ם ַ כ ֲ ח, the wise child,   represent the opportunities, challenges
            he Four Sons has always been    and not the  ע ָ ׁש ָ ר. It was almost as if we   and dangers each of us face every day.
            the most captivating part of the   as a people had come full circle. The   They represent our ability to ask a wise
     T Seder for me. Who are these          depiction reminded me of the striking   question or to wisely stay silent and
      children? Why do they ask their particular   sculpture  ׁש ֵ א ָ ה  ת ַּ ל ִ ג ְ מ, Scroll of Fire, by   listen. They represent the impulse to
      questions? And most important to a    Nathan Rappaport. This magnificent    sometimes reject out of hand or to open
      young mischievous kid, who is this  ע ָ ׁש ָ ר,   monument sits atop the hills of   our hearts to ה ָ טּו ׁש ְּ פ ה ָנּומ ֱ א, simple faith.
      this evil child, and is he available for a   Jerusalem and depicts the pioneers and   They represent the wisdom of truly
      playdate? As I became older, I continued   soldiers of 1948 returning the golden   contemplating  with  depth  to  better
      to be fascinated by these children. I began   Menorah to Jerusalem, an image which   understand or staying silent out of fear
      to collect Haggadot and what interested   of course reverses the travesty of our   of showing we don’t know. Perhaps even
      me most was again, the picture of the ע ָ ׁש ָ ר.   powerlessness in the year 70 when the   several times a day we encounter these
      Who is the evil one, ‘he who shall not be   Roman  soldiers  removed the  Menorah   different sides of ourselves.  Each  of  the
      named?’                               from our Temple (as depicted on the   traits represented here can be the enemy
                                            Arch of Titus in Rome). Those evil    of the moment. In that instant, we must
      In college, I was looking through my   Roman  soldiers  had  been  replaced   choose the child who moves us forward
      Haggadah  collection  and  began  to   by wise Israeli soldiers, our own wise   toward faith, Torah and mitzvot. Then
      see the diversity in how the  ע ָ ׁש ָ ר is   brothers and sisters protecting our   we will truly be wise.
      portrayed. Who is this enemy of the   people.
      people? Here he is a Roman soldier, here                                    Rabbi David A. Israel is the Executive
      he is a gambler and a drinker, and there   What lessons are to be drawn from these   Vice-President  of  Religious  Zionists  of
      he is an overindulgent man of wealth.  At   depictions?                     America–Mizrachi

      HAMIZRACHI PATRONS                                                        CHICAGO               LOS ANGELES

      • Martin and Reva Oliner                                                  3740 W. Dempster      209-286-7141
                                                                                Skokie, IL 60076
      • Friends of Mr. Jack Nagel z’’l
                                                                                847-674-9733          President
      • Lynn and Joel Mael & Family    305 Seventh Avenue   Presidium          Dr. Yakov Agatstein
                                   Room 1200,                         
      • Mr. and Mrs. David Rubin   New York, NY 10001  Dr. Ernest Agatstein
                                                       Rabbi Leonard Matanky    President
      • Rosalyn and Stephen M. Flatow  212-465-9234    Martin Oliner            Dr. Oren Lakser
                               Executive Vice-President  Executive Director
            2                     Rabbi David A. Israel    Rabbi Jerold Isenberg
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