Page 6 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 6

Rabbi Yehoshua Fass
                  THIRSTING FOR

                  THE FIFTH CUP


              lthough it usually requires   They never experienced the  י ִ תא ֵ ב ֵ ה ְ ו   But  the  reenactment  experience
              herculean efforts to drink the   redemption phase of coming into the   shouldn’t end there. It should continue.
      A fourth cup at the end of the        Land of Israel, thus mandating only four   We should attempt to transport
      Seder, what would you say if I told you   cups of wine.                      ourselves back to the same nexus of
      that you got off easy?                                                       post-Red Sea as well. We should be
                                            Nevertheless, it is evident that our   posed with the same challenge of י ִ תא ֵ ב ֵ ה ְ ו
      The    Gemara    (Pesachim   109b)    Sages struggled with this last reference   – moments after the Exodus – as were
      instructs us to drink four cups of wine,   of  redemption  and  its  practical  our forefathers – challenging us as a
      to commemorate the four different     manifestation at our Seder, from       nation to continue onwards to enter our
      wordings  of  redemption found  in    suggesting that all must drink the     Homeland, Eretz Yisrael.
      Parashat Vaeira:  י ִ תא ֵ צ ֹוה ְ ו (I took you   fifth cup to not having a fifth cup at
      out),  י ִּ ת ְ ל ַּ צ ִ ה ְ ו  (I  saved  you),  י ִּ ת ְ ל ַ א ָ ג ְ ו  (I   all (Netziv). Common practice is of   The fifth cup on the table represents the
      redeemed you), י ִּ ת ְ ח ַ ק ָ ל ְ ו (I took you).                          option of  י ִ תא ֵ ב ֵ ה ְ ו  – the very choice the
                                            course to have the fifth cup at the table   Jews had moments after the Exodus from
      However, there is one more reference to   – but not to drink it – as some sort of   Egypt,  and the  astounding opportunity
      redemption, namely  י ִ תא ֵ ב ֵ ה ְ ו (I brought   compromise. This cup is known as the   miraculously available to our nation
      you) – that should seemingly require us   cup of Eliyahu HaNavi.             today.
      to have a fifth cup at the Seder.
                                            The Vilna Gaon explains that when      In  fact, after  the  establishment  of the
      The Rif and Rabbeinu Chananel explain   there is an uncertainty that cannot be   State of Israel in 1948, Rav Menachem
      that  according  to  Rabbi  Tarfon  we  are   resolved, we believe that the prophet   Mendel Kasher  unsuccessfully lobbied
      indeed  required  to  drink  a  fifth  cup  of   Eliyahu, who returns as a harbinger of   the Israeli Rabbinate to establish a fifth
      wine and recite the remaining portion of   the messianic era, will resolve it. Thus,   cup of wine at the Pesach Seder to reflect
      Hallel.                               we pour a fifth cup in his honor, and he   the completion of this final redemption.
                                            will tell us if we should drink it when he
      The Ran falls short of endorsing Rabbi                                       Perhaps in our times, the fifth cup is the
      Tarfon’s position but does state that   arrives.                             most significant. It represents the very
      there is an obligation to drink four cups   But this is odd. Rarely do we have a   real accessibility of fulfilling our national
      (our general practice). However, the fifth   safek (a halachic doubt) represented   destiny and embracing and experiencing
      cup is a  reshut (optional) and can even   as  a  symbolic  reminder  of  a  divergent   our modern-day miracle.
      be viewed as a mitzvah min hamuvchar (a
      choicest mitzvah).                    opinion as we practice a ritual.       This is the challenge our generation
                                            The question remains: Why do we have   faces: the option of fulfilling the fifth
      The Rambam seems to follow the                                               phase of redemption –  י ִ תא ֵ ב ֵ ה ְ ו – and
      opinion  of  the  Ran  and  rules  that  the   the fifth cup on our table?   whether we choose to embrace this gift
      fifth cup is categorized as a reshut but   Perhaps the answer is that on Seder   that  G-d  has bestowed  upon  us  and
      should preferably be associated with   night, we are mandated to do much more   return to our Promised Land.
      finishing the Hallel as well. 1       than merely commemorate the Exodus
      So yes, general practice is to drink only   story. As the Rambam writes,  each of   1  Hilchot Chametz Umatzah 8:10.
      four cups of wine during the Seder.   us is instructed to reenact a visceral   2
      Why? Although the Jews enslaved in    experience that helps us view ourselves    Hilchot Chametz Umatzah 7:6.
                                                                                   1895-1983. Author of the encyclopedic
      Egypt experienced all four stages of   as if we have been redeemed. Singing   3  masterpiece Torah Shleimah.
      redemption, they were punished due    Hallel as if we had witnessed G-d’s
      to their lack of enthusiasm for the Land   miracles ourselves and eating the same   Rabbi Yehoshua Fass  is Co-Founder
      of  Israel, and  for  the  sin of  the  Spies   matzah as we did hurrying on our way   and Executive Director of Nefesh
      that caused them not to enter Israel.   out from slavery.                    B'Nefesh

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