Page 3 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 3

Torat HaMizrachi

                                                                           Rabbi Doron Perez


     T       he  Dayeinu song seems utterly   aimlessly in the wilderness. Without   unprecedented miracle and for bringing

                                                                                   our oppressors to justice.
                                            completing the entire series – Exodus,
             absurdity provides a powerful
      insight into the art of appreciation.  Revelation, Promised Land and Temple   This then is the profound lesson of
                                            – the process would have either ended in
                                            disarray or disaster.                  Dayeinu – to feel perfectly grateful
      It Would NOT Have Been Enough                                                in imperfect situations. If we focus
                                                                                   incessantly on the final goal of any
      A close look  at  the song  reveals  that   A Gratitude Attitude             undertaking, the destination of every
      many stanzas don’t seem to make any   Indeed, the song is senseless only when   life journey, the endpoint of every
      sense at all.                         viewed with the ultimate goal in mind. If   beginning, then we simply won’t be able
                                            the purpose of Dayeinu was to celebrate   to savor any part of the process itself.
      Here are two examples: If G-d would   reaching the final goal of redemption, it
      have brought us out of Egypt and not                                         The positioning of  Dayeinu in the
      split the sea, Dayeinu – It would have been   never would have been enough until the   Haggadah is significant. It comes
      enough for us.                        destination was reached.
                                                                                   immediately after completing the story
                                            However,  Dayeinu is about a different
      If G-d would have split the sea and not                                      of the Exodus and is our first reflection
      given us food and water to drink in   frame of mind – a mindset of gratitude   on those events. As the first expression
      the  desert,  Dayeinu  –  It  would  have  been   and appreciation. It is about the process   of  praise and  thanksgiving,  Dayeinu
      enough for us.                        not  the  result.  It  is  about  the  journey,   forms the foundation of the Hallel
                                            not the destination.                   that follows soon. It provides us with
      Really?                                                                      a powerful spiritual paradigm – to live
                                            When we see how far we have come
      If G-d had brought us out of Egypt but   as opposed to how far there is to go,   life with a profound attitude of gratitude
      not split the sea, we would have all died   what we have rather than what we   and practice the oft elusive art of
      at the hands of the Egyptian army.    lack, we are able to feel deep gratitude   appreciation.
                                            irrespective of whether or not we have
      If G-d had split the sea but not given us   achieved our final aim. And hence we   A Modern Dayeinu
      food and water, we would have all died of   are  able  to  appreciate  the  enormity  of   In this spirit, I have written  a  modern-
      starvation and heat exhaustion in the desert.
                                            every step along the way.              day  Dayeinu song in honor of Israel,
      It most certainly would  not have been                                       which appears in the Seder Companion
      enough!                               Therefore,  Dayeinu  means it  would have   later in this publication. Israel is still
                                            been enough to say thank you. If G-d had   some distance from the ideal moral and
      It is clear that every stage is incomplete   brought  us  out  of  Egypt  but  not  split   spiritual society we wish it to be. Yet this
      without the realization of the stages   the sea, this miraculous act of freedom   should never cloud our ability to express
      which follow. If the redemption process   would have been enough for us to thank   heartfelt appreciation for its enormous
      would have been held  up at any one   Him irrespective of what the future held.   accomplishments every step of the way.
      of the stages, it certainly would not   If  G-d  would have  split  the  sea  and  we
      have been enough – we would either    would have died in the desert, we should   Rabbi Doron Perez is Chief Executive
      have died in the desert or wandered   still have thanked Him for such an     of World Mizrachi

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