Page 4 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
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Mizrachi Educators

                                                                              Rabbi Reuven Taragin                                     Rabbanit Shani Taragin

                    CONTEMPORARY GEULA

                           A CHANGE OF PACE

      Where it All Began                    The final Redemption  happens  slowly   Rav Kook explains that the slow pace of
                                            or, as the Yerushalmi (Yoma 14a)       the final Redemption is not just because
             he  Prophets  Micha  (7:15)  and   outlines,  like  the  sunrise  – little  by
             Yishayahu (Isaiah 11:11- 16)                                          it need not be quick, but because it
     T both describe the final  Geula       little with continually increasing light.   must be deliberately slow to accomplish
      (redemption) as a continuation of Yetziat   Following this line of thought, Rashi   two important goals. Firstly, our exile
      Mitzrayim, the Exodus from Egypt.  In   explains that Zechariah’s mention of a   was meant to impact the world we were
      fact the Maharal, in the introduction   day that is “neither day nor night” refers   exiled to. In Orot HaTeshuva (17:1), he
      to  Netzach  Yisrael,  interprets  Yetziat   to the twilight stages between exile and   explains that our redemption is meant
      Mitzrayim as a necessary paradigm     redemption that “are not yet the full light   to carry the world’s redemption along
      without which the final Geula would be   of the next world but also no longer the   with it, hence we need to move slowly
      impossible.                           dark of night because we are free of the   to ensure that the rest  of civilization is
                                            pain of subjugation to foreign powers.”
      Building off Torah verses that describe   (Zechariah 14:7). 4                keeping pace with us. Secondly, in order
      Yetziat Mitzrayim in the present tense                                       to reach the final redemptive high point,
      (Exodus 14:8 and Numbers 23:22), Rav   Rashi’s words seem to describe today’s   we need to sharpen our unique identity,
      Kook explains that “the redemption is an   reality. On the one hand, thankfully,   partly by distinguishing between the
      ongoing process. The redemption from   we have the opportunity to live       good we take with us as opposed to what
      Egypt and the future final redemption   independently in Eretz Yisrael. On the   we leave behind.
      are one continuum.” 2                 other, we still face challenges, both
                                            physical and spiritual.                May our reflection on the goals of a slow
      This approach explains why, in addition                                      redemption help us realize them and
      to  Yetziat Mitzrayim, the Haggadah   There are many who are disillusioned by   facilitate the completion of the  Geula
      also mentions  geulot throughout the   the fact that our return to Eretz Yisrael is   process!
      generations (ה ָ ד ְ מ ָ ע ֶ ׁש  אי ִ ה ְ ו) and includes   not yet what it is fully meant to be. They
      prayers for the final Geula:  רי ִ ׁש ך ְ ל ה ֶ ד ֹונ ְ ו   would be wise to remember that sources
      ה ָנ ָ ׁש ְ ל  ,ּונ ֵ ׁש ְ פ ַנ תּוד ְּ פ ל ַ ע ְ ו ּונ ֵ ת ָּ ל ֻ א ְּג ל ַ ע  ׁש ָ ד ָ ח   dating back to the Nevi’im Yeshayahu
      ל ֵ א ָ ר ְ ׂשִי ְ ּ ד א ָ ע ְ ר ַ א ְּ ב  ה ָ א ָּ ב ַ ה  and of course.  and Zechariah had already predicted this   1  Understandably these  pesukim are read as the
                       םִי ַ ל ָ ׁשּורי ִּ ב ה ָ א ָּ ב ַ ה ה ָנ ָ ׁש ְ ל  slow and gradual progression.  Haftarah portion on the last day of Pesach (and
                                                                                   on Yom HaAtzmaut). Similarly, the Haftarot
      Change of Pace                        Why We Take It Slow                    on Shabbat HaGadol and on the seventh day of
                                                                                   Pesach also relate to Geula.
      Despite the relationship between future   Nevertheless, living in  a  generation   2
      and past  geulot, Isaiah (52:12) singles   experiencing this slow  progression,  we    Yisrael UTechiyato, 28.
      out one major difference – the eventual   wonder why the final Redemption needs   3  See Berachot 9a, which discusses two aspects
      redemption will unfold slowly, as     to proceed so slowly. Why are we not   of this haste, that of the Jews and that of the
      opposed to ן ֹוז ָּ פ ִ ח ְּ ב (in haste).  blessed with a speedy redemption like   Egyptians..
                                            the one from Mitzrayim?                4  This pasuk inspired םֹוי ב ֵ ר ָ ק, the song many recite
      The Torah emphasizes that the Exodus                                         at the end of the Seder.
      from Egypt was  ן ֹוז ָּ פ ִ ח ְּ ב. It is why the   Many  commentaries  suggest  that  in   5  For example, Tzidkat HaTzadik 1, Tanya 31, and
      Korban Pesach had to be eaten quickly   order for the Jewish people to initially   Torat Menachem, Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5746.
      and why we eat matzah on Pesach instead   forge their own identity, the first
      of chametz. In fact, the Avudraham    redemption needed to be a quick and    Rabbi Reuven Taragin is Educational
      (Seder  HaHaggadah)  even  explains that   clean break from the Egyptian culture   Director of World Mizrachi and
      the Jews were commanded to eat matzah   into which they had assimilated. 5   Religious Zionists of America–Mizrachi.
      even before they left  Mitzrayim so that   Building off a Jewish identity established   He is also Dean of the Yeshivat HaKotel
      they would pay attention to how quickly   over millennia, the final Geula need not   Overseas Program
      they were leaving.                    be as quick.                 

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