Page 10 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 10
Ask the Rabbi
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
Saving Lives “the way of eating,” and swallowing kosher for Pesach certification: a.
may be permitted (Rav Shlomo Sometimes the active ingredients
hen the drugs are intended Zalman Auerbach).
to save lives, it is clear include chametz. b. Sometimes
W that the necessary drugs In reality, most medicines produced in vitamins include edible ingredients. c.
(whether containing non-kosher or Israel are kosher for Pesach because, Taking vitamins may be considered a
non-kosher for Pesach ingredients) (all year round), the alcohol in them “way of eating” as healthy people also
should be used. Those who take drugs is produced from kitniyot (legumes), take them. d. The need for vitamins is
regularly, for diabetes, high blood and in this case there is definitely no generally not comparable to the need
pressure, or other potentially life- concern for the decree against eating for drugs. When there is a significant
threatening conditions, should not kitniyot on Pesach for Ashkenazim. 4 need, one should consult with a rabbi
replace prescribed medication for Furthermore, in Israel and in other as there may be room for leniency.
another drug on Pesach. countries, the starch in drugs is from
potatoes rather than wheat. Summary
Drugs With no Taste Drugs that have no taste or a bitter
A tasteless medicine is considered to Practical Halacha taste do not require kashrut for
be a food whose taste is flawed. The A patient who is not in danger can Pesach, but we are generally careful
Rishonim and the Poskim disagree whether take any medicine that is not tasty about the kashrut of such medications.
chametz with a flawed taste is permitted (one who is taking an antibiotic Medications taken for diseases that can
or forbidden to be eaten on Pesach. The is considered, at the very least, a be potentially life threatening, such
Mishnah Berurah writes that according sick person who is not in danger.) as diabetes or high blood pressure,
to all opinions, when it comes to a food However, Am Yisrael are a holy people should not be replaced. Medications
that is completely spoiled, there is no and are stringent to check the lists of that have a taste, as well as vitamins
prohibition of chametz. kosher for Pesach medicines published or homeopathic remedies, should be
every year (Tzitz Eliezer, 10:25). kosher for Pesach, although there is
However, the Rishonim disagree about room to be lenient when necessary.
a person who eats scorched chametz,
which is not edible. According to the Drugs with a Taste May we all enjoy a kosher, happy and
Ran, chametz unfit for a dog to eat is Medications that have a taste are more healthy Pesach: “I will bring none of
no longer considered chametz and may problematic because they are edible and these diseases upon you that I brought
be consumed. According to the Rosh, often have a pleasant taste. Therefore, upon the Egyptians for I am the L-rd
eating chametz unfit for eating shows those that are not kosher for Pesach that heals you” (Exodus 15:26).
that indeed it is worthy of eating, should not be used on Pesach (and it is
therefore it is forbidden to eat this even best to sell them). However, there
type of chametz ן ָנ ָּ ב ַ ר ְ ּ ד ִ מ. Based upon are reasons to permit medicines with 1 Shulchan Aruch 447, Se’if Katan 97.
this, the Sha’agat Aryeh (75) prohibits taste (for example, no one eats medicines 2 Shulchan Aruch 442: 9.
the use of medicine containing flawed as food because of their medicinal 3 Rav Moshe Feinstein, Rav Ovadia Yosef, and
chametz since upon its consumption it content, hence they may not even be especially if the medical substance is kosher
is considered edible chametz. considered edible), and therefore a baby and only the additives are not kosher (Chazon
or child with no alternative medicine can Ish, Moed, 116:8).
Nevertheless, many Acharonim say continue to take it on Pesach (certainly 4 See Mishna Berurah 453, Se’if Katan 7, for
that the person is not interested in in the case of antibiotics). Ideally, example.
the medicine as food but swallows you should request kosher for Pesach
it because of medical need. Thus it is antibiotics from your doctor.
permitted to consume the medicine. 3
There are also other reasons why Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon is Head of
one can be lenient with tasteless Vitamins Mizrachi's Shalhevet Educational Advisory
medicines. For example, one just There are many reasons why vitamins Board, Chairman of the Halacha Education
swallows it, which is not considered and homeopathic remedies need Center