Page 12 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
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Following the success of last year’s “Seventy for 70,” which sent Israeli educators around the
      world in celebration of Yom HaAtzmaut, Mizrachi is delighted to introduce Israel360. In Iyar,
      Israel360 will send inspiring Israeli speakers and thinkers to 360 communities across the globe.
      The name reflects Israel’s international reach and Mizrachi’s mission of spreading Torat Yisrael
      all over the world. Discover more at

      PARTICIPATING COMMUNITIES ACROSS THE USA: Beth Jacob, GA • Kehillas Bais Yehudah, NY • Young Israel of Hollywood-
      Ft. Lauderdale • JEC Elmora Avenue Shul, NJ • Elmora Hills Minyan, NJ • The White Shul, NY • Congregation Etz Chaim, NJ •
      Congregation Sha'arei Torah, OH • Beth Israel Congregation, FL • Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun, NY • Congregation Keter Torah,
      NJ • Young Israel of Scarsdale, NY • Congregation KINS of West Rogers Park, IL • Kehillat Nitzanim, Jerusalem • Congregation
      Israel of Spingfield, NJ • Ahavat Achim of Fair Lawn, NJ • Beit Chaverim Synagogue, CT • Calabasas Shul, CA • Congregation
      Brothers of Israel, NJ • Keneseth Beth Israel, VA • Green Road Synagogue, OH • Young Israel of New Rochelle, NY • Congregation
      Torah Ohr, FL • Anshe Sholom B'nai Israel, IL • Beth Tfiloh Congregation, MD • Young Israel of Southfield, MI • Hebrew Institute of
      White Plains, NY • Lower Merion Synagogue, PA • Young Israel of White Plains, NY • Suburban Torah, NJ • Boca Raton Synagogue,
      FL • Mount Sinai Jewish Center, NY • Young Israel of Century City, CA • Kehilat Yavneh, CA • Congregation Beth Aaron, NJ •
      Young Israel of Brookline, MA • Young Israel of West Hempstead, NY • Congregation Or Torah, IL • Congregation AABJ&D, NJ •
      B'nai David-Judea, CA • Beth Hadassah, NY • Beth Jacob Congregation, CA • Congregation Ohav
      Zedek, PA • Young Israel of Oak Park, MI • Congregation Shaare Tefilla, TX • Maimonides
      Kehillah, MA • Congregation Bnei Yitzhak, NY • Congregation
      Ohav Sholom, NY • Suburban Orthodox Congregation • Kehilat
      Chovevei Tzion, IL • Kehilat Chovevei Tzion, IL • Knesseth     5
      Israel Congregation of Mountain Brook, AL • Young Israel of
      North Woodmere, NY • Baron Hirsch Congregation, TN •     continents
      Young Israel of Oceanside, NY • Young Israel of Lawrence-
      Cedarhurst, NY • Congregation Ohr Torah, NJ • Lake Park
      Synagogue, WI • Adat Yeshurun, CA • Congregation
      Beth Torah, NY • Ahavas Torah, AZ • Young Israel of                8
      Great Neck, NY • Congregation Agudath Sholom, CT
      • Young Israel of Stamford, CT • United Orthodox
      Synagogues of Houston, TX • Congregation Beth                 countries
      Sholom, NY • Kemp Mill Synagogue, MD • Boca
      Raton Synagogue West, FL • Sephardic Bikur
      Holim Congregation, WA • Congregation Etz          360
      Chaim of Kew Gardens Hills, NY • Young          communities
      Israel of Jamaica Estates, NY • Lincoln
      Square Synagogue, NY • Netivot Shalom,
      NJ  •  Congregation  Shomrei  Emunah,                             21
      MD • Adas Yeshurun, IL • Young Israel
      of East Brunswick, NJ • Nusach Hari                            US states
      B'nai Zion, MO • Young Israel Ohab
      Zedek, NY • Congregation Rinat
      Yisrael, NJ • Ohr Saadya, NJ •
      DAT Minyan, CO • Congregation
      Ahavas Achim, NJ

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