Page 11 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 11

Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon                                           Rabbanit Sharon Rimon

                                    YETZIAT MITZRAYIM

                                            A SEMINAL EVENT

                oshe said to the people:    and the G-d of Israel. Even more than   commandments, his reward will bring
                ‘Remember this day on       that, the Exodus teaches us about      him  success and  if he  transgresses
      M which you departed from             G-d’s supervision of history – His     them, his punishment will cut him off.
      Egypt, from the house of bondage,     awesome power and ability to lead the   Everything is by Heavenly decree…”
      for with a strong hand G-d removed    world and to change nature and the
      you from here... And you shall tell   course of time. The Ramban explains    Thus,  Yetziat Mitzrayim  gives  us  both
      your son on that day, saying, ‘It is on   (Leviticus 13:16) that we should   an existential-national basis and a
      account of this that G-d did for me   remember this lesson of the Exodus     spiritual-faith basis for our Jewish
      when I left Egypt.’ And it will be for   every day of our lives:             lives.
      you for a sign on your hand and for a                                        In addition, by remembering the
      remembrance between your eyes – so    “… He commanded us that we should      Exodus  we ignite  hope, both  as
      that G-d’s Torah may be in your mouth    always  make  a  memorial  and  a  sign   individuals and as a nation. How so?
      –  for with a strong hand G-d removed   for what our eyes saw. And we should
      you from Egypt. And it shall be when   copy this thing for our children, and   A person who is in a difficult situation
      your son will ask you tomorrow, ‘What   their children for their children,   finds it difficult to believe it can
      is this?’ you shall say to him, ‘With   until the last generation... and… that   be otherwise. However, if he has
      a strong hand G-d removed us from     we write all that was shown to us of   experienced a turnaround in the past,
      Egypt from the house of bondage’...”   signs and wonders upon our arms       he  will  be  able to  believe it  possible
      (Exodus 13:3-16)                      and upon our eyes, and also write      to overcome the current crisis and
                                            them at the entrances to our houses    emerge stronger for it.
      Since then, the Exodus from Egypt has   in  mezuzot. And that we mention it
      been a defining event in our national   with our mouths, in the morning and   The Exodus constitutes a fundamental
      experience. Every year we remember    in the evening… And so [too], many     memory of the possibility of exiting
      it  on Seder  night and  in  many  other   commandments recalling the Exodus   from exile to  redemption, both on
      mitzvot, passages in our prayers, and in   from Egypt are similar to these. And   national and private levels.
      many blessings every day.             all of it is to be a testimony for us   During 2,000 years of difficult and
                                            about the wonders, for all generations,
      Why is Yetziat Mitzrayim such a central                                      bitter exile, the people of Israel
      motif  in our lives?  And  what  does  it   so they not be forgotten; and that   continued to believe and hoped that
      mean to us?                           there be no opening for the heretic to   redemption would come. This belief
                                            speak and reject faith in G-d.         was based on the historical memory
      The Exodus was the first stage in                                            of the Exodus from Egypt. And on a
      Am  Yisrael's formation. For  the first   … And from the great public miracles,   personal level, when we are in trouble
      time, the Israelites became more than   a person can acknowledge the hidden   and feel that the situation is hopeless,
      just a family; they became a nation,   miracles,  which   constitute  the    we too can remember the Exodus, and
      and received their freedom. Indeed,   foundation of the entire Torah. As     have faith that even in the darkest and
      Pesach was  the Jewish  people's first   a person does not have a share in the   most difficult situations, G-d will save
      “Independence Day.”                   Torah of Moshe, our teacher, until we   us and deliver us from hardship and
                                            believe that everything, every incident   pain.
      However, the Exodus is not only       that happens in our lives is all a miracle
      a stage in the physical-existential   [and] there is no nature or ‘that’s how
      formation of Am Yisrael, but also an   the world is,’… whether with regard   Rabbanit Sharon Rimon teaches Tanach
      important stage in the connection     to the many or to the individual.      and is Content Editor for the Tanach
      between the chosen people of Israel   But  rather,  if  one observes  the    website:

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