Page 15 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 15


                                                                              Rabbi Elisha Aviner

                            THE HAGGADAH:


             abbi  Eliyahu  Dessler  (in  his   did not say these three things on Pesach   So what is our task at the Seder?
             book  Strive for Truth) gathered   did not fulfill his obligation.” After
      R a        number   of  educational   the lengthy discussion of things, it is   Our efforts must be directed toward the
      insights that emerge from the Passover   important to emphasize the main points.   “heart,” the experiential dimension, the
      Haggadah:                                                                    deep-hearted feeling. This is the work
                                            8. Explanation and connection between   of  internalization. Specifically,  by using
      The Pesach Haggadah was compiled by   the idea and the act: “Pesach [offering]…  simple words in a simple style, without
      the greatest sages of the Torah so that we   why?” “Matzah...why?”           over-sophistication, we can penetrate
      could fulfill the  mitzvah of   ך ְנ ִ ב ְ ל  ָּ ת ְ ד ַּג ִ ה ְ ו           the heart, the hearts of each and every
      “You shall tell your son.” It is therefore   To  implement  these  educational  person, child or adult, sitting around the
      possible to learn from it the ways of   instructions, sensitivity and patience   table, however smart they are.
      teaching and educating children.      are required for young children’s Seder
                                            questions.  There  are  moving  stories   Rav Dessler’s words, “the heart is the
      For example:                          about great sages who were asked a     simple person and has some childishness
                                            simple question by a child at the Seder.   about it” are fascinating.
      1. Teaching through questions and     These wise men did not give a quick,
      answers.                              short answer, but took the questions   One’s level of knowledge is not a
                                            seriously, sat down, opened books and   guarantee of a wise and mature heart.
      2. The need for the children to ask                                          Higher IQ does not guarantee high
      questions ת ֹוק ֹוני ִּ ת ַ ה ּול ֲ א ְ ׁשִּי ֶ ׁש י ֵ ד ְּ כ – “so that   answered calmly.  emotional intelligence. There are those
      the babies will ask.”                 Chazal told us that if there were no   who deepen their faith and acquire
                                            young children at the Seder, the adults   great knowledge, but have no refined
      3. Teaching through illustration –  “this
      matzah,” “this maror.”                should ask themselves, using the text   emotional feeling and lack a sense of
                                            of the Haggadah. How could  Chazal     simple gratitude toward G-d. Touching
      4. Depictions of life –  “He will always   establish the same text for children,   simple, almost childish points may open
      see  ...  as  if  he  had  left  Egypt,”  “If  we   adults and even scholars? Why should   the gates of the heart and connect the
      had not taken out ... we and our sons ...   a scholar ask himself and give himself a   entire person (and not only the mind)
      would have been enslaved to Pharaoh in   ‘childish’ answer?                  to the faith in G-d emanating from the
      Egypt.”                                                                      Exodus.
                                            Rav Dessler answered: The  mitzvah
      5. Dayenu – to detail in small sections so   of the night is to recall the truth of the   This explains why some of the great
      that the son can concentrate and look   Exodus from Egypt to the heart. If the   Jewish  scholars  were  not  involved
      at each detail in its own right, because   mind is the scholar, the heart is the   with  deep sophistication and  great
      a large matter consisting of several parts   simple person and has some childishness   innovations during the reading of the
      is difficult to comprehend properly all at   about it. The internalization of truth to   Haggadah on the Seder night, but simply
      once.                                 the heart requires the same language   read the  Haggadah  and  incorporated
                                            and style as the language and style with   explanations in plain and clear language
      6.  ה ָּ מ ַ כ ְ ו ה ָּ מ ַּ כ ת ַ ח ַ א ל ַ ע – “all the more so”   which we explain to a child.   understood by all members of the
      – to do more than all the parts together                                     household. Only during the meal did
      to affect the heart. In addition to these   The work of Pesach night is not merely   they go into more depth.
      six educational elements emerging from   intellectual. It is reasonable to assume
      the Haggadah format, as enumerated by   that one who reads the Haggadah every
      Rabbi Dessler, we can add two more:   year and studies the interpretations
                                            and commentaries will not discover     Rabbi Elisha Aviner teaches in yeshivot
      7. Summarizing and emphasizing the    intellectual  innovations  when  he    hesder and founded an organization to
      main point:  םי ִ ר ָ ב ְ ּ ד ה ָ ׁש ֹול ְ ׁש ר ַ מ ָ א אֹ ּ ל ֶ ׁש לֹ ּ כ   rereads it (unless he is reading new   help parents with adolescent education
      ֹות ָ ב ֹוח י ֵ דְי א ָ צ ָי אלֹ ח ַ ס ֶ פ ְּ ב ּו ּ ל ֵ א – whoever   interpretations of the Haggadah).

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