Page 25 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 25

The parents’ answer relates to the                                          to revert once again to tyranny and murder in
      commandment of “Pesach dorot,” the Pesach                                   order to ‘correct’ his previous error.
      sacrifice brought in future generations.
                                                                                  The  Torah teaches us here that our  second
      We tell our children that there is room  for                                thoughts in life reveal to a great extent who we
      innovation and change where necessary,                                      are and what path in life we wish to pursue.
      in accordance with a changing reality; the                                  We are often forced to do good things because
      commandment of the Pesach  sacrifice                                        of social pressures and other unholy motives.
      symbolizes this change.                                                     When these disappear so does our desire to do
                                                                                  good. And the same is true in the opposite vein.
      Change is indeed essential, but only on
      condition that it is undertaken with complete                               Sometimes  we  are forced  to  do  things  that
      commitment to Halacha and its obligations,                                  are really repugnant to us because of outside
      rather than out of a desire to cast away or to                              pressures we cannot control. But  we regret
      submit oneself to fashionable philosophies.                                 having done so because our inner self only
                                                                                  desires good and a  sincere attachment to
                                                                                  G-d and His Torah.
      Four Sons As One
      Dr. Tova Ganzel
                                            a  stunning economy and awesome military  Seeing G-d's Hand in Everything
      All of us have parts of these  four  sons   – lately judged the eighth most powerful  Mrs. Shira Smiles
      within us, and on  Seder night we have a   country in the world  – with more Jews
      special opportunity to connect to our own   studying Torah  than  at  any  time  in  the  last   ם ָיּ ַה  ךְוֹת ְבּ  ה ָשׁ ָבּ ַיּ ַב  וּכ ְל ָה  ל ֵא ָר ְשׂ ִי  י ֵנ ְבוּ (and
      complex identities, to receive different and   2,000 years.                the Children of Israel walked on the dry land
      changing answers, to be both spectators and                                in the middle of the sea). Why does the verse
      participants, to receive a short or a detailed  And, b’ezrat Hashem – we are not done yet!  include both “on the dry land” and “in the
      answer, all simultaneously. And to internalize                             middle of the sea?”
      that the different  sons are all part of each
      one of us. There is really no clear distinction  Reaching Higher           Doesn’t one phrase suffice? Rabbi Elimelech
      between them, because the Torah was given  The Lubavitcher Rebbe           of Lizhensk explains that these phrases
      to all… of us.                                                             represent different ideas. “On the dry land”
                                            “And  it  came to pass at midnight” – the  symbolizes this physical world and the
                                            darkest moment in the daily cycle symbolizes  natural course of events. “In the middle
                                            a situation in which a person is stuck in the  of  the sea” symbolizes  a fantastic,  openly
      10 Plagues                            darkness of the world. Even  such a person  miraculous event like the Splitting of the Sea.
      Rabbi Stewart Weiss                   has the  strength to “go out of Egypt” and
                                            continue on. It is possible to leave the   A deeper understanding is that Bnei  Yisrael
      The 10 Plagues represent a breakdown of   darkest situation and become a free person.  grasped parallel levels of  G-d’s greatness in
      all the barriers. Suddenly, stunningly, Nature                             the natural (on dry land) and the supernatural
      does not “follow the rules:” The water turns  In contrast, midday is the brightest moment  (in the sea); the mundane and the miraculous
      into blood, animals encroach upon humans,  of the daily cycle and  symbolizes the  were equally awesome in their eyes.
      the sun ceases to shine, fire and ice co-exist.  brightest parts of a person’s life. However,
      All this and more serve to demonstrate to us   even those people have to “go out of Egypt”   The  Slonimer Rebbe explains that many
      that as a people, as a cohesive nation of Yisrael   and realize that their current  situation,   people are aware of G-d’s direct intervention
      – rather than just a collection of individuals –   however good, is considered to be  slavery   in their lives only when they experience open
      we can do anything. There are no boundaries.   when  compared to  even  higher levels they   miracles. But at that time, Bnei Yisrael saw
      This is the timeless lesson for us all.  should still be striving to reach.  the Hand of G-d in everything. Our goal is to
                                                                                 reach that level now.
      If we ever doubted  this lesson,  just  look   Second Thoughts
      at what  the  State of  Israel  – badgered,   Rabbi Berel Wein
      beleaguered and bad-mouthed as it is – has
      accomplished in its  short history:  We are  Pharaoh has second  thoughts  about
      one of the world’s great democracies with  freeing the Jewish people and is determined

      Image from Wikimedia Commons – “The Four Sons” (1934), Łódź, Poland. The Arthur Szyk Society, Burlingame, CA
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