Page 36 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 36

Rabbi Stewart Weiss
                                                                                                                                                 GOING UP

          g-d is a Zionist                                                                                                                      to Jerusalem

      In every generation, we must see ourselves as   From this point of view, the plagues were   calamity?  We  felt  abandoned,  forsaken,
       if we, personally, experienced the Exodus.   directed solely towards Pharaoh and the   the unwanted stepchild of the universe.
     O       ne of the most iconic and      But   there  is  another  intriguing   had not personally suffered in the
                                                                                   Even those Jewish communities that
                                                                                   Holocaust  were  in  a  state  of  shock,
             Exodus is the 10 Plagues. They
      begin with the first plague, presaging   viewpoint: that these blows (the literal   deeply traumatized by the persecution
                                            translation  of the  word  makot)  while of
      what was to come, as all the water in   course impacting upon the Egyptians,   and powerlessness we had endured.
      Egypt turns to blood; and they end with   were designed first and foremost for   Then,  step-by-step,  miracle  by
      the death of the firstborn, a fitting, final   their effect upon us, the Jewish people.  miracle, we were again raised from
      response to the hardships laid upon                                          our  melancholy  and   rehabilitated
      the  Jewish nation,  the  firstborn  of  G-d.   Consider: during our more than a   to our former selves. Our shocking
      These miraculous events occur over the   century as slaves, we had been subjected   victory in the War of Independence
      course of a year and result in Pharaoh   to every possible abuse. We had been   – which virtually no expert gave us a
      finally agreeing to let the Israelites go.  tortured,  demonized,  de-humanized,   chance to win – set in motion a chain
                                            murdered. We had been cruelly cast     of remarkable events that has turned
      The question has often been asked:    down to the lowest rung of the social
      Why specifically 10 plagues? Could G-d   order. Once a proud, pre-eminent nation   history on its head. The Six-Day War;
      not have extricated His people via one   that was respected – even feared – by our   our brilliant comeback in the Yom
      mighty, devastating jolt that would have   neighbors, our sense of self-esteem and   Kippur War; the ingathering of our
      shaken Egypt to its core?                                                    exiles; the repulsion of numerous Arab
                                            self-confidence had reached its lowest   and Palestinian attempts to subdue us
      To answer that question, we must first   ebb, and all but vanished. How could we   through acts of terror; the emergence of
      address another issue: for whom, exactly,   be restored, physically as well as in our   Israel as an economic power and world
      were these plagues intended?          own psyches, back to our former glory as   leader in technology, all combined to
                                            G-d’s Chosen?                          rapidly  restore our  self-respect  and
      The classic response is that G-d brought
      these acts, which continually accelerated   As G-d performed miracle after miracle,   national pride. No amount of rational,
      in scope and intensity, primarily to   manipulating Nature in our honor and   scientific theory can logically explain
      punish the Egyptians for their cruel   for  our  sole benefit,  we  gradually  came   how a nation so divided and down on its
      behavior, in a measure for measure    to acknowledge not only His awesome    fate could so rapidly reclaim its rightful
      fashion. The Egyptians did not allow   power, but also our own unique ability   honor and buoyant hope for the future.
      us to bathe, causing us to develop lice,   to elicit an unparalleled Divine response.   And so, if ever there was an opportunity
      and so they, too, would suffer this same   In a kind of 10-Step process, our faith in   to relate to and revisit the events of the
      indignity; they made us work in the   ourselves was slowly but surely restored,   Exodus – as the Haggadah bids us to
      boiling sun, and so they developed    a faith that affirmed we were destined to   do – it is in this generation, which is
      boils. And on and on. The plagues     become a great nation and a light unto   blessed with the flowering of the State of
      were also designed to show Pharaoh – a   the world.                          Israel. G-d, it seems abundantly clear, is
      self-proclaimed deity – just who was                                         unequivocally a Zionist.
      boss, at the same time affording him   Fast-forward 3,330 years to our present
      the  ongoing opportunity to  change   day. Just 75 years ago, we were once
      his mind and make the morally-proper   again a broken people. The Holocaust
      decision to acknowledge the inhumanity   had decimated not only our numbers,   Rabbi Stewart Weiss is Director of the
      of enslaving fellow human beings and   but also our view of the future. How   Jewish Outreach Center of Ra’anana
      release the Hebrews from bondage.     could we go on after such a monumental

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