Page 40 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 40

Rabbi David Milston
           RIVKA’S TWINS

               and the Four Sons

      D      uring   Rivka’s “the long-awaited  values, and virulently against idolatry.   finally understood the right path and the

                                            However, if this was what Rivka thought,
                                                                                  folly of any other alternative.
             struggled within her” (Genesis
      25:22). Rivka was so disturbed by     it would be difficult to understand her   The naïve child, easily influenced by
      the movements in her body that she                                          everyone and anyone, can be likened to
      desperately turns to G-d for guidance.   Possibly, Rivka saw her child becoming   the  Tam. Sometimes translated as the
                                            a   character  of  shallowness  and   simple son, he is indeed interested in
      Rashi comments on the “struggling”    superficiality; a person easily impressed   understanding, yet he lacks the basic
      inside the womb: “Our Rabbis explain   and influenced by any experience he   ability to differentiate, and is therefore
      that the word  vayitrotsetsu – struggling,   had. He would be excited  when  in  the   in danger of being led down the wrong
      means   running,  moving   quickly.   presence of the righteous, but equally   path.
      Whenever Rivka passed by the doors of   excited and swayed when mingling with
      Torah, Ya’akov moved convulsively in his   non-believers. He wouldn’t be inherently   The fourth child described in the
      efforts to leave the womb, and whenever   evil; just naive and shallow.     Haggadah is “the one who does not
      she passed by the gate of a pagan temple,                                   know how to ask.” Many portray this
      Eisav moved convulsively in his efforts   Lastly is the possibility that the child   child as an infant. However, if anyone
      to leave the womb.”                   was self-centered. He would manipulate   knows how to ask, it is the infant. Infants
                                            others by pretending to believe in their   ask more than adults do because they are
      Rivka was not disturbed by normal     cause, only to simultaneously negotiate   not deterred by what people may think
      and daily sporadic movements, but by   with those who held the opposing view.   of them. This son does not know how
      specific movements, in defined places.   Therefore, when he would visit the   to ask because he is not the slightest bit
      Rivka turned to G-d, who explained    pagans, he was a pagan, and when he   interested in anything or anyone else. He
      that her strange feelings were due to the   would visit the monotheists, he suddenly   is interested in himself, and thus even
      fact  that  she  was carrying  twins;  twins   became a believer in G-d.    when he appears to be asking it is not for
      with very different, even opposing,                                         real.
      personalities.                        It is interesting to note the similarities
                                            between these four suggestions and the   We  will  not  always  merit  that  our  child
      G-d’s answer seems to appease Rivka,   four sons mentioned at the Seder.    be the Chacham. However, the Haggadah
      but why?                                                                    reminds us that these other sons are
                                            A person enthusiastically following   still our sons. The Haggadah instructs
      We can assume that the new information   idolatry while equally enthusiastically   us: you must educate them according to
      was that she was bearing twins. Before   negating Torah can be paralleled with   who they are. Every Jew is a Jew, every
      her prayers, Rivka had assumed she was   the  Rasha,  the wicked  son,  who  makes   Jewish child has a place at the Seder
      pregnant with only one child.                                               table, they are all part of Am Yisrael, and
                                            a point of sitting at the table; not to ask
      It is possible that the embryo’s      questions, but to make statements that   it is our duty to sensitively relate to each                         Reach over 200,000 people in
      reaction near the pagan temple was    deny the entire process taking place. If   child according to their own individual
      excitement, while the  movements  near   he  simply  doesn’t believe,  he  need  not   characters.                                    hundreds of shuls and communities
      the monotheistic seminary were an     come, but the Rasha insists on joining   It is also our duty to sensitively relate to
      expression of hate and ridicule.  If this   us. For him, it is not enough not to   each and every Jew, wherever they may                             all over the US and worldwide
      is the case, we can certainly understand   believe; he wants to ridicule those who   be religiously, and to bring back those
      Rivka’s mollification at the news that she   do.                            ‘fifth sons’ who never even make it to the
      was carrying twins, at least one of whom                                    table.
      would be righteous.                   A   person   totally  committed  to
                                            monotheism, and strongly opposed to                                                                                           To advertise in HaMizrachi email
      We could suggest the exact opposite; the   idolatry, can be likened to the Chacham,   Rabbi  David  Milston is the Rosh
      embryo was excited about monotheistic   the wise son. He is the son who has   Midrasha at Midreshet HaRova
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