Page 41 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 41
Short Thoughts
Sivan Rahav-Meir
Post-Election Reflection
Photo: Eyal Ben Yaish/Ma’ale HaYetzira
oshe argues with G-d for Political commentators repeatedly tell great things; on the contrary. He will be
seven (!) days at the Burning us that our past leaders would not have overjoyed or you. You will be partners in
M Bush, because he refuses to been elected under Israel’s current this monumental task and you will work
accept the task G-d has assigned to him. system of open primary elections within together in harmony.
Among his arguments, one is particularly the various political parties. Would
compelling: “I am not a man of words, Moshe have been electable? An 80-year- In short, the Jewish paradigm of a leader,
neither from yesterday nor from the day old with a stammer who expressed no the greatest leader we have ever had, is
before yesterday, nor from the time You desire whatsoever to be a leader? Moshe elderly, non-charismatic, works with
have spoken to Your servant, for I am is more than happy for Aharon to carry others, and is acutely aware of – and
heavy of mouth and heavy of tongue” out the task, but G-d insists. He wants a sensitive to – the weight of responsibility
(Exodus 4:10). leader like Moshe.
on his shoulders.
When I was young, I imagined Moshe Before Moshe leaves to meet Pharaoh,
as a Hollywood-type star who leads his the Torah tells us something else. It will We should be so lucky today.
people through the Red Sea, who comes not be possible to carry out a grandiose
down Mount Sinai with the tablets; a operation like the Exodus from Egypt if
charismatic leader who trailblazes the there is any jealousy between Moshe and
way to freedom. It is easy to forget that Aharon. G-d tells Moshe that his brother
the Torah tells us that he stuttered, a far Aharon will, “when he sees you, he will Sivan Rahav-Meir is a popular Israeli
cry from the superstar, screen-o-genic rejoice in his heart.” Your brother will journalist, broadcaster and author of
leaders we are accustomed to today. not be angry that you are going to do #Parasha
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