Page 46 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 46

Rabbi Chaim Navon
                             Seder Night:

      The Sweetness of Torah Study

                                                                                                            Photo: Oren Barkai

            he most prestigious dynastic    much  greater  chance  of  winning the   – we recite verses and quote our Sages
            order of chivalry in France was   Israel Prize than someone who has    in  the  Haggadah,  we  ask  and  answer,
     T the  Order  of  Saint  Michael.      improved the lives of tens of thousands   renew and recall. This is the lifeblood
      Writer  and   philosopher   Michel    of Israelis. Why is a special occasion   of Torah study; study with taste and
      de Montaigne, decorated in 1571,      necessary for the Israel Prize to be won   smell, with  matzah and  maror; Torah
      said that he had always dreamed of    by a hi-tech pioneer, a social activist   with parents, children, family, guests
      receiving this award, but “instead of   or anyone else beyond the walls of   and strangers.
      the goddess of fortune raising me to   academia?
      the order,” de Montaigne said, “she                                          Torah of the entire year cannot be
      lowered it to me.” Originally there   Do not misunderstand me. I am a great   exactly  like  the  Torah  of  Seder  night.
      were a limited number of knights      admirer of intellectuals. It is excellent   Most  working  people  cannot learn  so
      (31), but by  de Montaigne’s  time    that we know how to honor Torah        much Torah, and the great scholars
      the number had risen to 700 and the   and wisdom. But alongside them we      cannot  deal  with  the  needs  of  the
      honor had lost its prestige.          must also  praise  people of  kindness   people all day long. But this is always
                                            and  action.  Moreover,  in  the Jewish   the trend. The Beit Midrash has
      Just over 10 years ago, on the occasion   tradition, the great Torah scholars   windows (so that those inside should
      of Israel’s 60th anniversary, eight   were also men of kindness and action.   be concerned for those out), and the
      organizations won the Israel Prize for   Rabbi Chaim of Brisk, a brilliant   hands that work have a head and a
      Lifetime Achievement. Uri Elitzur 1   scholar who established the method     heart.
      wrote then that if everyone receives a   of study most prevalent in the yeshiva
      prize then no one really receives it. I   world, was a man of kindness on levels   The Torah’s strongest connection to
      recalled this when it was announced   that are hard to imagine. His house    the world of action must be through
      last year, in honor of the country’s   was full of the poor and downtrodden   the family. The commandment “You
      70th birthday, that eight people would   day and  night,  his  kitchen  hummed   shall teach your children” refers not
      win  the prize.  Each  and  every  one  of   with people as if it were the public   only to Seder night but to every other
      the winners was exemplary, impressive   domain. The Sages taught us that it is   day of the year as well. This is how
      and worthy but I thought it would     forbidden for someone who studies      Torah study really should have looked:
      have been preferable to spread their   Torah to keep it for himself. A person   not a class of 30 children with a
      awards  over  several  years,  so  as  not   must learn in order to apply what they   board and a marker (or even an iPad),
      to diminish from the prestige of this   learn and to teach others. Our Torah   but boys and girls sitting with their
      significant honor.                    is not only a Torah of truth, but also a   parents and grandparents at the table,
                                            Torah of Chesed.                       hunching together over an old book
      Then I thought again. Uri’s argument                                         covered with matzah crumbs and wine
      is true, but this time the list of winners   Moreover, there is one night a year   stains.
      seems  to  me  much  more  logical  than   when it is clear that Torah study is
      in past. In other years, almost all of   not an intellectual laboratory – Seder   (This article first appeared in Makor Rishon in
      the winners were professors who won   night. Many are surprised to learn
      the  Israel  Prize  for  their research.   that this is a night devoted to learning
      Prominent businessmen were a small    Torah. They do not feel as though they
                                                                                   1  Uri Elitzur was an award-winning journalist and
      minority among the honorees. This     are learning though. After all, they are
      seems quite unreasonable to me – a    not in a shul or a Beit Midrash. They   editor of the Makor Rishon newspaper.
      scholar who specializes in Chinese    are sitting at the dining room table. Yet   Rabbi Chaim Navon is a renowned
      pottery from the Qing Dynasty has a   there is a wealth of Torah on this night   educator and author

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