Page 44 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 44

Yaniv                                                                  ISRAELI

         ANSWERS!                                                            WEDDINGS

      Editor’s note: Our resident, totally unofficial Israeli guide brings you insights into a lighter side of the Israeli
      experience you won’t likely find in the usual news sources. Yaniv will also respond to readers’ questions and
                  observations (non-halachic of course). He can be reached at Enjoy!

      Dear Yaniv:I was invited, for the first   mortgaging their other, younger children   wedding is what the young couple will
      time, to attend a wedding in Israel. Is   – are attended by three major groups:   use to pay the bill for the hall! As to how
      there anything special about them that   the  Chatan’s  side,  the  Kallah’s  side,  and   much is appropriate to give, I phone the
                I should know?              those who heard about the event and    venue first to find out how much each
                                            just want to drop in for a free meal,
              ear Unsuspecting Wedding-     music and dancing. Oh, and I should    plate costs, and then write my check
              Goer:  First, Mazal Tov! It’s a   warn you that in Israel, lots of – shall   accordingly; naturally, I wait until after
      D special  zechut (merit) to see      we diplomatically call them indigent   the main course to make my decision!
      two Israelis marry, especially when the   entrepreneurs – may very well be on
      wedding is in Israel!                 hand to  finance their  own upcoming   Israeli  weddings  are  long  –  many  start
      Now, the first thing you should       family nuptials.                       only after 9 pm – and they are raucous,
                                                                                   fun and  wildly celebratory.  I think
      understand is that Israeli weddings are   And don’t be put off by the clothes   these events let Israelis release all their
      LOUD. I mean REALLY loud! I suggest   people are wearing. Israel does not know
      that to prepare yourself, you stand as   from Black Tie – unless it actually means   pent-up stress in a burst of Jewish energy
      close as possible to a 747 jet revving its   just that, a black tie (which goes well   that lifts the Chatan and Kalla to heights
      engines, while operating a jack-hammer   with their black suit and white shirt).   of ecstasy. Anything goes, particularly
      and listening to Satan and the Sadists   Black tie optional, of course, would make   on the dance floor. Jugglers, fire-eaters,
      playing heavy-metal “music” on your                                          costumes  of  every  kind. I  have seen  a
      earphones! That will give you some    sense, except that tuxedos in Israel are as   person dressed as a gorilla, and a gorilla
      idea of the decibel level – and that’s only   rare as standing ovations for Israel at the   dressed as a person. I think the operative
      during the  chupa! I have seen people   UN. In general, the dress code at Israeli
      at Israeli weddings wearing heavy fur   weddings is more of a “come-as-you-  objective is that if the couple can survive
      ear muffs – in August! – and sensory-  are”  motif,  even  if  you’re  coming  from   the wedding dances, they can pretty
      deprivation helmets to drown out the   playing  at  a  soccer  game  or  swimming   much survive  anything that will come
      sound. So don’t be put off if people keep   in the Kinneret. Bottom line: you will   their way.
      saying, s’licha? (excuse me?) to you when   not feel out of place, no matter what you
      you speak to them at the meal – they just   wear – unless it’s formal! This, by the   So do your very best to make some
      can’t hear you!                       way, also goes for the Chatan, who often   successful  shidduchim for our young
                                            can be spotted as the one wearing the   people. You’ll be doing one of the
      Next thing to point out is that Israeli   new gym shoes.                     greatest  mitzvot there is and, for a
      weddings are BIG! By big I mean of the
      stadium, airplane-hanger size variety;   As for presents, well, if you were   bonus, you’ll probably be invited to the
      anything under 500 guests is considered   thinking of bringing a toaster or a   wedding! Just remember, bring good
      an intimate private family affair. Indeed,   microwave, forget it. Most Israeli   dancing shoes – and lots of cash.
      a  very  popular  wedding  venue  in  Israel   weddings today don’t even have a
      actually is a hanger! These gargantuan   container for gifts. Money is the first   Feel free to send me any other
      weddings –  please do  not  ask me  how   and pretty much only choice. In fact, in   perplexing questions you have:
      families can afford them without      many cases, the cash that comes in at the

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