Page 47 - HaMizrachi #8 Pesach
P. 47

Mizrachi Speakers Bureau

                                                       HUNDREDS OF RELIGIOUS ZIONIST SPEAKERS
                                                       AVAILABLE FOR YOUR COMMUNITY

 Photo: Oren Barkai
                                                              Featured Speaker:
                                                Stephen M. Flatow

                                                        author of recently published
                                                              A Father's Story:

                                          My Fight for Justice Against Iranian Terror

         Stephen Flatow, a lawyer, is the father of Alisa Flatow, who was killed in a 1995 suicide bombing carried
         out by militants belonging to Islamic Jihad.
         After his daughter’s death, Flatow commenced a series of lawsuits against the government of Iran. An
         amendment to the US Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976, which enabled Flatow to successfully
         sue Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism, is named after him (“The Flatow Amendment”).
         In his newly published book, A Father’s Story: My Fight for Justice Against Iranian Terror, Stephen Flatow
         describes his personal journey as a father and shares the story of his struggle for justice.

               “Beautifully written, ‘A Father’s Story: My Fight for Justice Against
               Iranian Terror’ is a moving and gripping account of how a father
               transformed grief over the murder of his daughter into quest for
               spiritual meaning and – though opposed even by elements in his
               own country’s government – a fierce battle against the scourge of
               Islamic terror. A reminder of the importance of belief and principle
               in a world that often seems to have forgotten.”
               Daniel Gordis
               Author, ‘Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn’

         To arrange a speaking engagement with Stephen M. Flatow through RZA-Mizrachi,
         please send an email to or call 212.465.9234

                                         Religious Zionists of America – Mizrachi
                              305 Seventh Avenue, Room 1200, New York, New York 10001
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