Page 41 - HaMizrachi #7 Purim
P. 41
Programs in Israel • Shalhevet
Rabbi Hillel Van-Leeuwen
A Purim Message
from the Rema
Shalhevet abbi Moshe Isserlis (1530-1572) Halacha authority, to be followed by
Mizrachi’s Shalhevet program for aspiring shlichim was a renowned Polish Ashkenazi Ashkenazi Jews as well.
recruits young men and women studying to be R rabbi, Rosh Yeshiva, philosopher,
educators and rabbis. It trains and enriches them Talmudist and posek. The Rema was The Rema then wrote his comments on
with many philosophical, halachic and communal ordained Rabbi at the tender age of 13, and it, but only where the Ashkenazi minhag
practical tools, and sends them to serve in Jewish got married a few years later. differed from the Sephardi practice. And he
communities worldwide as youth movement humbly called his commentary HaMapah
leaders, campus professionals, teachers, and He was appointed Chief Rabbi of the (the tablecloth), as it merely “decorates” the
organizational and pulpit rabbis. important city of Krakow shortly after Shulchan Aruch.
The uniquness of Shalhevet’s core program – its his 20th birthday. Rema was learned in
English-speaking track – is that it is run entirely Kabbalah, and studied history, astronomy The Rema’s first comment on the Shulchan
in English, and trains the participants as couples, and philosophy as well. Aruch’s first part, Orach Chaim (1:1), cites
preparing together as a family for shlichut. A a verse from Psalms (16:8):
prerequisite for being accepted onto this program Despite his short life – only 42 years – he
is that one must be both fluent in English and was able to make an everlasting imprint .ה ָ ר ֹו ּ ת ַּ ב ל ֹוד ָּג ל ָ ל ְּ כ אּוה ,די ִ מ ָ ת י ִ ּ ד ְ ג ֶנ ְ ל 'ה י ִ תי ִ ו ִ ׁש
passionate about playing a role in English- and is considered to this day as the primary
speaking Diaspora communities. To this end, all “Always envisioning G-d before me is a
our courses are delivered in English and focus on halachic authority for the communities great rule of Torah.”
understanding the cultural codes of the different which descended from Ashkenazi European
communities in the English-speaking world. Jewry. In his last comment on the Shulchan Aruch
Shalhevet was founded five years ago with a The Rema worked tirelessly for many years, Orach Chaim (697:1), Rema cites a pasuk
handful of participants, and has seen tremendous painstakingly compiling a complete Halacha from Proverbs (15:15):
growth in numbers. This year we have 35
participants in our English-speaking program and book that would provide the Jewish world .די ִ מ ָ ת ה ֶּ ת ְ ׁש ִ מ ב ֵ ל ב ֹוט ְ ו
another 14 participants in our Latin-American with the practical, bottom-line law for all
track which trains shlichim for South America. aspects of daily customs and practices, for “A good heart always drinks.”
Next year we expect to grow by 50%. weekdays, Shabbatot and holidays, and
Another unique aspect of Shalhevet is its for all issues pertaining to the Jewish life Many ask: how could the Rema possibly
partnerships with Diaspora communities in cycle (as my Rebbe in Yeshiva used to say: end his commentary with a call for a party?
identifying high-level young men and women a Halacha reference book to guide you from
within the local community, and motivating, the womb to the tomb). If we go back to look at the beginning of
recruiting and training them to pursue the critical his commentary, the message is clear: as
path of education and rabbinic leadership. Some However, before completing his long as you envision G-d in front of you,
of our students are being invested in by their local monumental book, a contemporary of his, throughout your life – at all times, in all
communities in order to come to Israel, study and the Sephardi Rabbi Yosef Karo of Tzefat, situations and in all places – as long as
receive training, before returning to serve their Israel, beat him to it, and had just published you rise to such a level where you live a
respective communities.
his own similar book, which he named life of solid faith in Him and follow His
Shulchan Aruch – the Set Table. commandments even when you drink and
enjoy life – you have nothing to worry
The Rema, deeply worried by the prospect about.
of two major books of law “competing”
with each other and thus formally This will safeguard you and balance the
separating between Sephardi and Ashkenazi spiritual and material aspects within your
communities, displayed tremendous vision, personality, guiding you safely to the shores
humility and leadership, and set his own of Avodat Hashem.
manuscript on fire instead of printing it.
For details: Rabbi Hillel Van-Leeuwen Rabbi Hillel Van-Leeuwen is Head of
052 6868 666 · In doing so, the Rema allowed the Shulchan Leadership Development at World Aruch to establish itself as the foremost Mizrachi