Page 42 - HaMizrachi #7 Purim
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Purim Family Page

      10 Useful (or Useless) Purim Facts to share              ה ָח ְמׂ ִש ְבּ םי ִבּ ְר ַמ ר ָדּ ַא ס ַנ ְכ ִנּׁ ֶשּ ִמ
      with your family and amaze your friends                  When Adar Arrives We Increase Our Joy

      1. Megillat Esther contains words that do not            The Sages said, “When Av arrives we reduce [our]
      appear anywhere else in Tanach:                          joy, and when Adar arrives we increase [our] joy”
      •  Tevet: the 10th Hebrew month                          (Ta’anit 29a). In saying this, the Sages teach us that
      •  Kasher: fit (kosher)                                  nothing happens by chance and that every season has its
      •  Patshegen: a copy of the text                         own character and nature. If both Temples were destroyed
      •  Achashdarpenim (see how fast you can say              on the ninth of Av, it is a sign that the beginning of Av is
          that): Persian word for the King’s officers          naturally a time of trouble. And if the miracle of Purim
      •  Karpas: a Persian word for cotton. (Could also        occurred in the middle of Adar, it is a sign that this month
          be used for parking… )                               can transform bad into good.
      2. All the letters of the Hebrew alphabet are found      We feel ordinary joy over the good that exists in the
      in Chapter 3, verse  13. See if you can find them        world, but our joy is not complete, because there is still
      all.                                                     evil and pain in the world. However, when even the bad
                                                               turns into good, our joy increases and becomes complete.
      3. The word הֶתְּׁשִמ (banquet) occurs 20 times in       This is what happened on Purim: God turned the bad into
      Megillat Esther (which is equal to the total of All      good and saved His people, Israel.
      the times it appears in the rest of Tanach). So
      what?                                                    This teaches us that everything that happens in the world
                                                               – even the bad – will eventually become good.
      4. The longest verse in Tanach appears where?
      Wow! You're smart! Yes, Megillat Esther! See             The greater our faith and our commitment to Torah, the
      if you can find it in Chapter 8. (The English            closer we bring the ultimate redemption, when all evil
      translation is even longer!)                             will turn into good, and when joy will abound in the
                                                               world. Since the month of Adar has the unique character
      5. The Talmud tells us that on Purim one should          of transforming bad into good, “when Adar arrives we
      drink until he can’t tell the difference between         increase [our] joy.”
      “Blessed be Mordechai” (י ַכ ְדּ ְרֹמ ךְוּר ָבּ) and “Cursed   (From Peninei Halacha, Zemanim, by Rabbi Eliezer Melamed)
      be Haman” (ן ָמּ ַה רוּר ָא). Now, see if you can
      calculate the gematria (numerical value) of those
      two expressions. If there is no difference between
      the two numbers, it must mean you shouldn't              Some Bad Purim Jokes
      drink at all (well, not wine anyway). What else
      could it hint at?                                        Yossi: “Look at that bunch of cows!”
                                                               Ruti: “Not bunch, herd!”
      6. Did you know that there are towns called              Yossi: “Herd what?”
      Esther in Missouri and Louisiana?                        Ruti: “Of cows.”

      7. Did you know that there is a Queen Esther             Yossi: “Heard of cows? Of course I’ve heard of cows!!”
      Street in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Beit Shemesh in       Abba: “Shmuli, please can you have a look at the left turn
      Israel? Maybe in other places too but you'll have        signal on the car and tell me if it is working or not?”
      to come here and find them for yourself.                 Shmuli: “Of course I can, Abba. Yes ... no ... yes ... no ...

      8. The Hadassah organization was founded on              yes ...”
      Purim in 1912. Hadassah is Esther’s Hebrew               Mother: “Waiter, waiter! I’m in a hurry, will my matzah be
      name.                                                    long?”

      9. There are only 9 facts here, not 10.                  Waiter: “No madam, it will be square!!”
                                                               (Apologies, this is a Pesach joke and should have been
                                                               cleaned out of here)
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