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שׁ ָב ְדוּ ן ֶמ ֶשׁ תי ֵז ץ ֶר ֶא ןוֹמּ ִרְו ה ָנ ֵא ְתוּ ן ֶפ ֶגְו ה ָרֹע ְשׂוּ הּ ָט ִח ץ ֶר ֶא
Olives Rabbi Dov Lipman
he first mention of zayit, olive, compared to olives and G-d is com- to rescue our hostages from Entebbe
comes in Parashat Noach, 1 pared to a candle… Just like olive oil in July 1976, and much more, while
Twhen the dove brings an olive fuels a candle and they both give light ignoring all the world’s condemna-
branch to Noach signaling that it was together, so too G-d says to the Jewish tions and building an advanced world
safe to leave the ark. Later, olives are people, ‘since My light is your light power.
mentioned as one of the two foods and your light is My light, I and you
which would be waiting for the Jewish will go together and light up Zion.’” 7 But as we reflect upon the olive, we
people when they entered the Land of cannot forget Rabbi Acha’s teaching.
Israel without having to plant them, 2 The three lessons our Sages learn from The reason why we are destined to
King David appointed members of his the comparison of olives to the Jewish survive no matter what comes our
staff to oversee his olive trees and olive people work in perfect consonance way, and the good byproduct to which
oil and the oxen that led the parade with one another and should serve as all our suffering should be leading us,
of Jews heading to Yerushalayim with a roadmap and inspiration for us as we is to “go together” with G-d and “light
their bikkurim were crowned with move forward as a nation. up Zion.” Our destiny as a nation is to
wreaths from olive trees. These are There is no questioning that the connect to G-d, bring spirituality to
just a few examples. Jewish people have been crushed Eretz Yisrael, and from there to light
up the entire world.
What can we learn from the olives throughout the ages. We have suffered
which appear so frequently in our horrific persecution at the hands of So, next time you enjoy olives or bene-
tradition? the world’s greatest empires. But just fit from olive oil, reflect upon our sur-
like the olive leaf knows that it won’t vival as a nation just as G-d promised
Yirmiyahu teaches that the nation of fall to the ground, we knew that we we would, remember that our suffer-
Israel is compared to olives. What were destined to survive whatever ing is meant to make us stronger, and
does this mean? came our way. commit yourself to doing your part in
contributing to bringing G-d and spir-
Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi explains: And not only survive. Just like the ituality to Israel.
“Just like the leaves of the olive tree do olive can only give the world its great-
not fall to the ground in the summer est product, olive oil, after being
and the winter, so too, the Jewish crushed, we must recognize how our 1 8:11.
people will never cease to exist both in national suffering has led us to the 2 Devarim 6:10-11.
this world and the next.” greatest of heights. Throughout 2,000 3 See Divrei HaYamim I 27,28.
In that same Gemara, Rabbi Yochanan years of exile, we have learned how to 4 Bikurim 3:2-3.
Yirmiyahu 11:16.
sees a different message in the com- withstand whatever the gentile world
parison, teaching that “Just like the has thrown our way. That has cer- 6 Menachot 53b.
olive can only give forth its oil through tainly prepared us to be a strong and 7 Yeshayahu 499.
being crushed, so too the Jewish stubborn nation that was able to do
people only return to the right path the unthinkable – such as to declare
through suffering.” our independence in May 1948 in the
face of Arab armies surrounding us
Rabbi Acha learns one additional mes- ready to annihilate us, to preempt the
sage from the olive-nation of Israel potential catastrophe in June 1967 by Rabbi Dov Lipman is a former MK and the
comparison as recorded in Yalkut attacking and destroying the Egyptian author of seven books about Judaism and
Shimoni: “The Jewish people are Air Force before they could attack us, Israel
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