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                                                  Dates                                        Rabbi Yuval Cherlow

             s with any tree, and as is     Land of Israel is blessed with. Most   G-d. The palm not only gives shade,
             integral to Torat Yisrael, there   of the Torah’s fruit-related laws – and   but delivers sweet fruits to everyone,
      Ais first and foremost a natural      the mitzvot that depend on the Land –   and its fruits are not hidden among
      reality.  ה ָ רֹו ּ ת ַ ל  ה ָ מ ְ ד ָ ק  ץ ֶ ר ֶ א ך ֶ ר ֶ ּ ד – literally,   refer only to the Seven Species, includ-  the leaves, but are visible for all to see.
      the way of the land preceded the      ing the date. In this context, the Torah
      Torah. So as we look at the  tamar,   refers to the date as honey, determin-  However,  it is not just the  Sages who
      the date, we start with nature, reality,   ing its main expression in the natural   looked upon the date palm for their
      and work our way up into the spiritual   world: sweetness, pleasure, longing.   metaphors. We too can look at the
      meanings of the tree.                 The date’s partner is the bitter, sharp   palm and eat from its fruits, and it
                                            olive – its complete opposite.         reminds us of who we should be. First
      The palm is the tree of the desert: its                                      and  foremost,  “righteous as a flower-
      roots are very deep, it knows how to   Judaism has a special and complex     ing date”  – to be righteous, to make
      use water and find it deep in the soil.   attitude to sweetness: on the one hand,   fruit, to be sweet, to strive upwards.
      Consequently, the  tamar grows in     it is good to us, and we describe the   And to view this tree as a guide that
      places that need it. It gives travelers   Torah and mitzvot as ת ֶ פֹנ ְ ו  ׁש ַ ב ְ ּ ד ִ מ םי ִ קּות ְ מּו   teaches us not only to gather within
      shade  and  provides  them  with  sweet,   םי ִ פּוצ – “sweeter than honey dripping   ourselves, but to give as much as we
      full-bodied, fruit that gives them    from the combs.” We raise no objec-    can to others. There are many people
      the  strength  to  continue.  It  also  has   tions to the sweetness of life, and we   walking aimlessly in life’s desert – and
      a unique shape – a tree that strives   are not a religion of monks fleeing the   they are lonely, thirsty, perhaps even
      upwards. Botanically it is unique in   beauty and goodness of this world.    tired of life – and we are called to help
      that it has one main trunk that does                                         them: give shade, share our fruits, call
      not split. Even in terms of its external   On  the  other  hand,  we  are  warned:   them to rest with us.
      shape, it stands out.                 “It  is not good  to  eat much honey;” 1
                                            “for no leaven or honey may be turned   And when we do this in our natural
      The palm tree is also the only tree   into smoke as an offering by fire to the   reality with one heart, and direct it to
      that  belongs to two  systems  of     L-rd.”  Sweetness is at once delightful   our Heavenly Father, we will enjoy the
      commandments.                         and dangerous, an object of desire and   shade and the nutritious, sweet fruit of
                                            the danger of a slippery slope.        the spiritual date palm.
      The first is the holiday system: the
      lulav is a part of the Four Species,   When we delve into the wisdom
      which we use to celebrate the Asif hol-  of  our Sages, the date is a powerful   1   Mishlei 25:27.
      iday in the Temple. Although there are   source of inspiration, for example,   2   Vayikra 2:11.
      four species, and even though we usu-  “Just as a palm tree has only one heart,   3   Megillah 14a.
      ally see the  etrog as the ‘senior part-  as a palm tree does not send out sepa-
      ner,’ we say “al mitzvat lulav” over all   rate branches, but rather has only one   4   Tehillim 92:13.
      four species together. This is because   main trunk, so too, the Jewish people
      the date palm frond is the most prom-  in that generation (of Queen Esther)
      inent. The  lulav is tall, symbolizing   had only one heart, directed to their
      the baton of a king, or a sword to fight   Father in Heaven.”  The special shape
      with, and with it we thank the Sover-  of the  tamar is a call for all of us to
      eign of the world for the great abun-  unite. We have to be people with “one
      dance He gave us on Sukkot.           heart.”                                Rabbi Yuval Cherlow is a Rosh Yeshiva
                                                                                   and a founding member of an organization
      The second system is the  Shivat      The tree climbing upwards symbolizes   devoted to bridging the religious-secular
      HaMinim – the Seven Species the       Am Yisrael’s special attitude towards   divide in Israel
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