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Figs Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald
pon hearing that he would leader’s successor be chosen on the Yehoshua literally hung on to Moshe’s
not enter the Land of Israel, basis of loyal service, in addition to every word. Yehoshua ate, drank,
UMoshe’s first concern was their intellectual prowess. 4 breathed and slept in order to serve
that G-d should make sure He had Moshe, his master. In this manner,
an appropriate leader to replace him. Rabbi Soloveitchik cites two exam- Yehoshua learned the nuances of gran-
Such was the unparalleled selflessness ples: when the Ba’al Shem Tov passed deur and greatness firsthand. Through
of the great Moshe. away, the logical choice to succeed his conscientious service, Yehoshua
him would have been Rabbi Ya’akov
G-d commands Moshe to ordain Yosef, the Torah giant and author of picked up the “tricks of the trade” that
Yehoshua as the new leader. the Toldot. Instead, the Maggid of Moshe had mastered over the years, on
how to deal with a stiff-necked people.
Although it seems perfectly natu- Mezeritch was chosen, in part because Yehoshua learned when to dig in his
ral that Yehoshua would assume the he had selflessly served the Ba’al Shem heels and be unyielding, and when to
mantle of leadership from Moshe, the Tov. be flexible and understanding.
commentators suggest that there were The second example is Rabbi Chaim
other deserving candidates for the Volozhin, who succeeded his teacher, Just as Yehoshua spent his whole life
position. preparing to lead the Jewish nation,
the Vilna Gaon. Rabbi Chaim learning the necessary skills firsthand
Nevertheless, G-d informs Moshe that Volozhin was chosen, in part, due from his beloved mentor, Moshe, so
Yehoshua is the only one who is truly to his trusted role as the Gaon’s pri- to, should we spend our lives devoted
worthy. After all, it was Yehoshua who mary confidante. It was in this role in to understanding Torah and gain-
served Moshe selflessly, who “would which Reb Chaim distinguished him- ing mastery of the true knowledge it
not depart from within the tent.” In self because he was a confidante to a contains.
support of the choice of Yehoshua, greater degree than the Gaon’s other
Rashi cites a verse ascribed to Shlomo disciples.
HaMelech: ּ הָי ְ ר ִּ פ ל ַ כאֹי ,הָנ ֵ א ְּ ת ר ֵ צֹנ He who Rabbi Soloveitchik draws attention to 1 Shemot 33:11.
guards the fig tree, shall eat its fruit.
the Midrash’s deliberate use of the fig 2 Mishlei 27:18.
The Rabbis suggest that the choice tree metaphor. Unlike the fruits of the 3 Bamidbar Rabbah 21:14.
As cited in Darosh Darash Yosef, by Rabbi
of Yehoshua as Moshe’s successor olive or date trees, the fruit of the fig Avishai David.
reflected an appreciation of Yehoshua’s tree takes particularly long to ripen. 5 Shemot 33:11.
loyal service to his master; Yehoshua This lengthened ripening period is lik-
had faithfully ministered to Moshe ened to a person’s acquisition of Torah,
by arranging the chairs and spreading which, rather than being learned
the mats in preparation for Moshe’s quickly overnight, is absorbed, studied
classes. According to this interpreta- and learned over an extended period
tion, only he who keeps watch over his of time. Only he who guards the fig
master [“the fig tree”] shall be honored tree will merit to eat its fruits – the
[“to eat its fruits”]. fruits of Torah and of kingship. This is
precisely what happened to Yehoshua.
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik expands Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald is Director of
on this concept suggesting that it is 5 ל ֶ הֹא ָ ה ךֹו ּ ת ִ מ ׁשי ִ מָי אלֹ – Yehoshua NJOP and Rabbi of the Beginners Service at
not unusual in Jewish history for a would never leave the tent of Moshe. Lincoln Square Synagogue
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