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Rabbanit Sharon Rimon                                        Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon

                                       EIGHT DAYS OF

                                MULTIPLE MEANING

     T       he  festival  of  Chanukah     in G-d throughout the world – has      a powerful message. It was a war

                                            tremendous significance. Therefore,
                                                                                   of  the  few with  makeshift  weapons
      over the Greeks, as described in the   it is again no coincidence that the   against the  many with  the most
                                            lighting of the Menorah is central to
                                                                                   advanced military technology. In this
      first Book of the Maccabees. These    the Chanukah story, as is the finding   war it became unquestionably clear
      events occurred after the Tanach was   of the oil and the subsequent miracle.   that victory had nothing to do with
      completed, and so Chanukah does not   Jews throughout the centuries have     physical might but with G-d’s power.
      appear in the Tanach.                 lit Chanukiot at the entrance to
                                            or inside their homes throughout       The same idea  appears in Gideon’s
      However, the date of the 24th of      he generations, symbolizing    the     war against Midian, in which G-d asks
      Kislev,  the eve  of Chanukah, does   continuation of this dissemination of   Gideon to go out to war with a small
      appear in the Tanach, as “the day when   the light of faith all over the globe.  army, and promises him:  “…through
      the foundations of the Sanctuary were                                        the three hundred men who lap shall I
      laid;”  the day upon which they began   The Hasmoneans’ dedication of the    save you and I shall deliver Midian into
      to build the Second Temple.           Temple also symbolizes the power       your hand,”  and again when Saul’s
                                            of  the Jewish  spirit. Am Yisrael     son, Jonathan, goes out to fight alone
      The prophet Chaggai rebukes the       were facing the danger of cultural
      people for not yet having built the   assimilation, and up rose Matityahu    against the Philistines: “…for nothing
      Mikdash (Temple),  and  encourages    and his sons to declare “Whoever is for   prevents G-d from saving, whether
      them to do so despite the great       G-d, join me,” just as Moshe Rabbeinu   through the many or through few.”
      challenges involved. In the context   declared at the Golden Calf.   2       Therefore, Chanukah is not just
      quoted above, he prophesies that                                             an historical commemoration of
      in merit of  laying  the foundations   The battle against idol worship       a specific war in which the Jewish
      for G-d’s Sanctuary, the Almighty     and cultural-religious assimilation    people conquered its enemies, but a
      will bless the people with material-  started immediately after the people   festival with multiple and rich spiritual
      agricultural abundance.               received the Torah and has continued
                                            throughout history. It happened        meanings,  containing   the  solid
      So it is no coincidence that the      during the reigns of kings Yehoash,    foundation blocks for the heroism of
      re-dedication of the Mikdash in       Chizkiyahu and Yoshiyahu, during       the Jewish spirit, faith in G-d, and the
      Hasmonean times also occurred on      which there was a major religious      dissemination of that faith throughout
      the exact same day that they began to   revolution, which included a cleansing   the entire world.
      build the Second Temple.              of the Temple and the Land from idol
                                            worship, and it continued in the days   1  Haggai, 2:18.
      The Mikdash stands at the heart of    of the Hasmoneans, who were forced
      the Chanukah miracle. It is supposed   to fight the Jewish Hellenists.       2  Exodus 32:26.
      to be a spiritual center for all nations,                                    3  Judges 7:7.
      and the light of the Menorah, shining   This is Am Yisrael’s perpetual struggle:   4  Samuel 1, 14:6.
      outwards from within, is meant to     to  uphold  its  spiritual identity  and
      illuminate the whole world and spread   resist the adoption of foreign cultures;
      faith in G-d.                         a struggle we are all very familiar with
                                            today as well.
      Am Yisrael’s ability to bring oil                                            Rabbanit Sharon Rimon teaches Tanach
      and light the Menorah – and hence     Not  only  that, but  the  Maccabees’   and is Content Editor for the Herzog
      become partners in disseminating faith   war against the Greeks also carries   Tanach website:

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