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Mizrachi Educators

                                                                              Rabbi Reuven Taragin                                     Rabbanit Shani Taragin

                                              This Land is

                                       OUR LAND

      “We have not taken a foreign land, we do   upon entry, but also to those who had   Creation narrative as a rebuff of these
      not hold the property of others. Rather,   received the promise in Egypt.     attacks. We are here because G-d put us
      the Land is our ancestral inheritance                                        here. Our mandate comes from Him.
      taken from us lawlessly. When G-d gave   Taken Lawlessly
      us the strength, we returned it to us.”                          Tosafot (Bava Batra 44b) explain that,   As we know, despite Rashi’s foresight,
             (Maccabees 1:15:33-34)                                                much of the world (especially those
                                            even in exile, all Jews own a portion   who do not recognize G-d as Creator)
             his was Shimon HaMaccabee’s    in  the  Land  of  Israel.  Even  though  the   does not accept his argument. Rabbi
             response to Antiochus, who had     Land had been physically taken from us,   Tzvi Yehuda Kook said that Rashi’s
     T demanded  that  the  Maccabees                                      the law is that  ‘land cannot be stolen.’   explanation aims not to convince others
      cede territory to him.                (Sukkah 30b)                           but to fortify our own confidence in our
                                                                                   claims to Eretz Yisrael. This is implied
      Much of the Torah is about the Jewish   When G-d Gives Us Strength           by the verse Rashi quotes: "The basis of
      struggle to return to and settle in Eretz   Ultimately, what makes the Land our   His actions, He explained to His people."
      Yisrael.  But perhaps  it  is  only after   ancestral inheritance and not that of
      the return from the first exile and the   other nations, is that G-d destined it for   Although we may not be able to
      Maccabean struggle for independence   us. Shimon HaMaccabee hints to this    convince others of our Divinely-destined
      that we fully appreciate the eternal                                         ancestral home, our faith in this fact
      nature of our relationship with the Holy   by emphasizing that the retaking of the   should buttress our confidence in the
                                            Land is not the result of brute force or
      Land.                                                                        face of such claims.
                                            political opportunity, but G-d giving us
      Ancestral Inheritance                 the strength and capability.           Shimon HaMaccabee knew this well.
                                                                                   This Chanukah let us too remember the
      Jews  may  have been  exiled  and  our   This claim is supported by Rashi’s first   heavenly historical basis of our return to
      Land may have been taken from us  –   comment on the Torah:  …If other       and relationship with our Land and may
      first  by  the  Babylonians  and  then again   nations accuse the Jews of being thieves   it give us the strength to continue its
      by the Romans  – but it remained ours   for taking the Land of the seven nations,   redemption with G-d’s help and through
      because it is our ancestral inheritance.   they should respond by explaining that   our own efforts.
      This is the way G-d described the Land   all the Land belongs to G-d. He created
      of Israel to the Jewish people while   it  all  and  gives  it  to  whom  He  sees  as
      they were still slaves in Egypt – v’natati   deserving. Just as He once gave it to   1  “According to the names of the tribes of their
      lachem morasha – I have given the Land   them, He now took it from them and   fathers they shall inherit” (Numbers 26:55), which
      to you as an inheritance. (Exodus 6:5)        gave it to us.                 teaches that the Jewish people would inherit Eretz
                                                                                   Yisrael according to the names of their fathers ie
      Morasha actually means something you   Living in a period where almost all Jews   those who left Egypt (Bava Batra 117).
      pass on to the next generation. Even   lived far from Israel and where Muslims
      before arriving in Israel, the Jewish   and Christians were battling for its   Rabbi Reuven Taragin is Educational
      people owned it in a way that they could   control, Rashi foresaw a time when   Director of World Mizrachi and Religious
      bequeath it to future generations. This   Jews would return to Israel, control it   Zionists of America–Mizrachi. He is also
      is why upon entering the Land it was   and be accused of thievery. Rashi sees   Dean of the Yeshivat HaKotel Overseas
      apportioned, not only to those alive   G-d’s choice to begin the Torah with the   Program

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