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Torat HaMizrachi

                                                                           Rabbi Doron Perez


                                                AND THE

                           Hasmonean Spirit

              n  August  20th,  1940,  Winston   One Man, One Family               extinguished. They displayed an almost
              Churchill, the newly elected                                         superhuman courageousness and faith
     O British Prime Minister, made         Our Sages describe the Chanukah story   in the face of impossible political and
      a speech to the British Parliament in   as the victory of “the few against the   military odds. They rebelled against the
      the midst of the Battle of Britain, soon   many.” Indeed, one man, Matityahu   harsh decrees of the Seleucid Greek King
      after the swift fall of France. Hitler   the Priest, and his five sons: Yehuda,   Antiochus Epiphanes, who threatened
      was attempting to gain supremacy by   Shimon, Yochanan, Elazar and Yonatan   to uproot every last vestige of Torah
      destroying the Royal Air Force (RAF),   – one small priestly family known as the   observance and  Jewish  custom.  This
      employing massive aerial bombing,     Hasmoneans – changed the course of     small group of believers grew in number,
      and launching a land invasion of      Jewish history forever.                sparked a revolution, revived a Jewish
      the British Isles. This would give                                           political sovereign state, brought cultural
      him  total  domination over  Europe.   The events took place 2,300 years ago   independence to Judea, rededicated
                                            yet continue to echo into eternity. It
      About  2,500  RAF  pilots  heroically                                        the Temple in Jerusalem and removed
      defended Britain during those months   was a time of Greek world domination,   all traces of idolatry. They succeeded
      and somehow managed to hold off       global acculturation and the assimilation   in not only stemming the tide, but in
      and  repel the  German  onslaught.    of the citizens of conquered nations   reinvigorating the Jewish people’s belief
                                            and minorities throughout the Empire.   in themselves and in G-d, enabling them
      In his famous speech to the British   Judea, the Jewish province, was no     to overcome the military, political and
      Parliament, Churchill declared: “Never in   exception. The Jewish people were in   cultural onslaught of the world's leading
      the field of human conflict was so much owed   grave danger of losing their national   superpower.
      by so many to so few.” These courageous   and spiritual identity and, G-d forbid,   Sadly, Matityahu died only a few months
      pilots became popularly known as ‘The   vanishing as a distinct culture from the   after the rebellion began: “And the days of
      Few.’                                 stage of human history.
                                                                                   Matityahu drew near…
      We can also say this about Chanukah   Had this small Hasmonean family not
      and the Hasmoneans. Never in the      placed its finger into the dike, standing
                                                                                   1  Al Hanissim prayer we say in the Amidah and
      struggle for Jewish survival was so   firm against the raging waters of cultural
      much owed by so many to so few.       assimilation, the flame of Torah and   in Grace after Meals.
      They are the ‘The Few’ of our people.   Jewish destiny may very well have been                 Continued on page 4

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