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Israel and US

                                                                          Rabbi David A. Israel

                         The Miraculous

             pon hearing my frustration     For your miracles every day, and your   miracle of the war, so do the lights of
             looking for a parking spot in   wonders and kindnesses every moment:   the Chanukiah serve as a beacon to help
     U Manhattan, the passenger in          evening, morning and afternoon.        us appreciate the miracles all around
      the seat next to me remarked, “You have                                      us.  Religious  Zionists  may look  at the
      to have ‘parking bitachon,’ faith that G-d   We refer to some miracles as hidden, by   re-establishment of an independent
      will provide.” I broke out in laughter.   which we mean they can be rationalized   Jewish State of Israel as a miracle with
      And then, to make sure the last laugh was   by science or circumstance. Chanukah is   echoes of the Maccabean victory.
      on me, a car down the block pulled out   the celebration of both a hidden miracle   The lights of Chanukah remind us
      and I had a spot (and without a meter)!  as well as a visible, unconcealed miracle.   of this miracle but call upon us to go
                                            The miracle of the oil lasting eight days   farther and recognize that not only are
      Why  do  some  see  G-d’s  presence  and   instead of one was clear for those in   the turning points in Jewish history
      hand in everything and others, even   the Temple to see. However, it required   miracles, but all that happens in our lives
      those who might verbally affirm belief   faith and  bitachon to believe that the   and in the world around us is miraculous
      in G-d’s participation in world events,   Jews would defeat the Greeks and to   as well.
      struggle to see His presence and      then see that victory as the fulfillment of
      providence in front of their very eyes?                                      May we wake each morning of
                                            G-d’s design. The miracle of the oil was   Chanukah, and every subsequent day,
      “There are only two ways to live your   meant to show that the result of the war   and recite with renewed vigor:
      life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as   was also a miracle, similar to the famous
      though everything is a miracle” (Albert   Ramban at the end of Parashat Bo:     י ִּ ב   ָּ ת ְ ר ַז ְֱ ח ֶ ה ֶ ׁש  ם ָּי ַ ק ְ ו י ַ ח ך ֶ ל ֶ מ ךי ֶנ ָ פ ְ ל  י ִנ ֲ א ה ֶ ד ֹומ
      Einstein).                                                                               .ך ֶ ת ָנּומ ֱ א ה ָּ ב ַ ר ה ָ ל ְ מ ֶ ח ְּ ב י ִ ת ָ מ ְ ׁש ִנ
                                             ה ֶ ד ֹומ  ם ָ ד ָ א  םי ִ מ ָ ס ְ ר ֻ פ ְּ מ ַ ה  םי ִ ל ֹוד ְּג ַ ה  םי ִ ס ִּנ ַ ה  ן ִ מּו
      While neither the origins nor the true                   .'ּוכ ְ ו םי ִ ר ָּ ת ְ ס ִּנ ַ ה םי ִּ ס ִּנ ַּ ב  Thank you, G-d. I do not take for granted
      intention of Einstein’s comment are clear   And from the great and known miracles, a   that each morning you faithfully return
      (Einstein did not believe in a personal   person acknowledges the hidden miracles…  my soul to me and enable me to live in this
      G-d),  it  is  a  basic tenet  of  our  mesorah                              miraculous world.
      that we should celebrate mundane,     The Baal HaTanya wrote that a little
      everyday events as miracles.          light dispels much darkness. This is
                                            true not only in the physical world,
      As we recite three times daily,
                                            but in the spiritual world as well. Just   Rabbi David A. Israel is the Executive
      ךי ֶ ת ֹוא ְ ל ְ פ ִנ ל ַ ע ְ ו ,ּונ ָּ מ ִ ע ם ֹוי  ל ָ כ ְּ ב ֶ ׁש ךי ֶֶּ ס ִנ ל ַ ע ְ ו  as the eight days of light in the Temple   Vice-President  of  Religious  Zionists  of
                .םִי ָ ר ֳ ה ָ צ ְ ו ר ֶ קֹב ָ ו ב ֶ ר ֶ ע ,ת ֵ ע ל ָ כ ְּ ב ֶ ׁש ךי ֶ ת ֹוב ֹוט ְ ו  helped the Maccabees recognize the   America–Mizrachi
      HAMIZRACHI PATRONS                                                        CHICAGO               LOS ANGELES

      • Martin and Reva Oliner                                                  3740 W. Dempster      209-286-7141
                                                                                Skokie, IL 60076
      • In memory of Mr. Jack Nagel                                                         
                                                                                847-674-9733          President
                                   305 Seventh Avenue                          Dr. Yakov Agatstein
                                   Room 1200,          Presidium      
                                   New York, NY 10001  Dr. Ernest Agatstein
                                                       Rabbi Leonard Matanky    President
                                   212-465-9234        Martin Oliner            Dr. Oren Lakser
                               Executive Vice-President  Executive Director
                                  Rabbi David A. Israel    Rabbi Jerold Isenberg
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