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Ask the Rabbi

 Rabbanit Sharon Rimon                                        Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon

                                        CANDLE LIGHTING

                                                ON A PLANE

                e’re flying to Israel for   considered homes and one can light     HaReayah of Rav Kook, Orach Chaim
                Chanukah     but   we’re    Chanukah candles in them. But          673, and others). Indeed, most poskim
     W leaving a few hours before           it  appears  we can’t apply  this to  a   say one cannot use them, although Rav
      sunset and arriving the next day.     plane,  because the plane is in the air   Shlomo  Zalman Auerbach (Halichot
      We’ll be on a plane all night. How    (i.e. can’t stop like a boat or train),  and   Shlomo 15:3), holds that when there
      should we light candles?              is also more of a temporary abode.     is no other option one can light with a
                                            For example, one thing that defines a   flashlight  that has a filament.
      1. Is there a mitzvah to light candles on   home is sleep (see Biur Halacha 677,
      a plane? 2. Can one light in the airport?   and Chovat Hadar Chanukah 1:12),
      3. Does lighting electric bulbs count?  and since one doesn’t sleep in normal   Practical Halacha
                                            fashion on a plane it is hard to say that   Since there is a doubt whether one
      Lighting in the house                 a plane is considered a home.          can light in a plane, and another doubt

      There is a special law of  “one who                                          whether electric bulbs are permitted,
      sees” with Chanukah lights, i.e. even   Can one light in an airport?         one  should  take  a  flashlight  with  a
      someone who does not light their own   Even the person who lights in shul    filament (or an electric Chanukiah) to
      candles can make a blessing (ה ָ ׂש ָ ע ֶ ׁש   needs  to  light  again  in  his  home   fulfil the mitzvah, but should not make
      םי ִּ ס ִּנ, and  ּּונ ָי ֱ ח ֶ ה ֶ ׁש on the first night)   (Rema and Mishna Berura 671:7).   a blessing.
      upon seeing someone else’s candles    This proves that having a home is      If other members of the family have
      (Shabbat 23a). Tosafot (Sukkah 46a)   not enough, but that the person
      explains that this law of  “one who   lighting the candles must  have some   remained at home, they can light
      sees” was only instituted regarding the   connection to that home. Thus if a   for those on the plane, who are then
      Chanukah lights  because one needs  a   person sleeps in a house for one night,   exempt from lighting (Shabbat 23a,
      ‘home’ to fulfil the mitzvah.                                                Shulchan Aruch  677:1). Husband
                                            he can light there. One cannot fulfill   and  wife can  light  for each  other, but
      A homeless person is also obligated   the  mitzvah in an airport because     parents lighting can also include their
      to light candles, since the  mitzvah is   there is no connection between the   children (who live with them.) And
      incumbent on everyone, but he cannot   lighter and this ‘home.’              if  the  children  are  lighting  in  their
      fulfill  it  because  he  doesn’t  have  a                                   parents’ home while the  parents  are
      home.                                 Lighting electric bulbs                flying, they are considered the parents’
      Some later poskim say that the mitzvah   Even if it was halachically permissible   shlichim.
      is to light davka in a home. Therefore,   to light in a plane, it is obviously not a   The mitzvah of Chanukah is “very well
      a person should strive to observe     practical option. The only acceptable   loved” (Rambam, Hilchot Chanukah
      the  mitzvah even when not in his     solution is through electric bulbs.    4). Am Yisrael do not easily relinquish
      own home but in another  ‘home’       However, it  seems that  one actually   this mitzvah, wherever they may be.
      (Maharsham, Rav Zvi Pesach Frank,     needs fire for lighting and not just
      Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Rav       light. Therefore, fluorescent, PL or
      Elyashiv and others.)                 LED  bulbs,  none  of  which  have  a
                                            filament, are not fire at all, and so are   Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon is Head of
      Is a plane considered a home?         definitely  disqualified.  Regarding   Mizrachi's  Shalhevet   Educational
                                            filament bulbs, there are differences   Advisory Board, Chairman of the
      The Maharsham writes that covered     of opinion whether the burning metal   Halacha Education Center and Rabbi of
      boats or long-distance trains are     filament is considered fire (see Mitzvat   Machon Lev

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